


英文单词:诺基亚西门子(Nokia Siemens Networks);诺基亚西门子通信;诺基亚西门子网络


1.诺基亚西门子(Nokia Siemens Networks)在诺基亚西门子NSN)的新一份合约中,MTS (Mobile TeleSystems)将其网络运营业务外包给诺基亚西门子,成为其在俄 …

2.诺基亚西门子通信  诺基亚西门子通信(NSN)德国服务部门失去与其最大客户德国电讯(Deutsche Telekom)的合同,面临2013年倒闭风险,1000个职位 …

3.诺基亚西门子网络诺基亚西门子网络NSN)招聘Solution Engineer,具体的职位说明和要求如下。If you’re interested in the position, pls go to b…

4.诺西同问诺西NSN)面试流程咨询 2011-07-12 21:24 提问者: 匿名 | 悬赏分:20 诺西(NSN)在没headcount的情况下招聘的员 …

5.诺基亚西门子通信公司公司凭借诺基亚西门子通信公司NSN)作为通信行业领跑者的丰富经验、华诺员工迅速的执行能力、公司多样的产品组合以 …

6.料号(National Stock Number)  DoD分类:Fed Supply System National Stock Number(NSN)1005-01-464-2468。  成本降低:已经证实AIMTEST加上其他的部 …

7.诺基亚西门子网络公司诺基亚西门子网络公司NSN )是由西门子和诺基亚各出资 50%成立的通信网络合资公司。它是全球领先的通信服务运营商…


1.He said private equity investment in NSN "could be a good lever for its future business development" .他还表示,私人股本投资“对于NSN未来的业务发展而言或许能发挥良好的杠杆作用”。

2.The company might have to write down its stake in the unprofitable Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) [NSN. UL] venture, Kaeser said.Kaeser表示,西门子可能不得不减记其在该合资公司所持权益的账面价值。

3.But Motorola announced it had chosen to sell to NSN instead and named Huawei as a defendant in a trade secrets lawsuit.但摩托罗拉宣布已决定出售给诺西,并在一宗商业机密诉讼中将华为列为被告之一。

4.A year later, executives at NSN and its Finnish-German parents say the gloom is starting to lift.一年后,NSN及其芬兰-德国母公司的高管们表示,悲观情绪正开始散去。

5.Until then, he said, both owners were committed to supporting the turnround.他表示,直到那之前,两家母公司都将致力于扭转NSN的业绩。

6.Last summer, it lost out to Nokia Siemens Networks in bidding for the wireless network assets of Motorola.去年夏天,华为曾竞购摩托罗拉的无线网络资产,但最终败给诺基亚西门子通信(NSN)。

7.Motorola believes that with the lawsuits now settled, Chinese regulators will approve the sale of its mobile network business to NSN.摩托罗拉相信,在相关诉讼已达成和解的情况下,中国监管机构将批准其将移动网络业务出售给诺西。

8.NSN's executive education programme in China is part of a practice employed by the group all over the world.诺西在中国的管理人员培训课程,是该集团在全球奉行的做法之一。

9.Huawei also agreed that its technology used by Motorola could be transferred to NSN for certain uses for a fee .华为还同意摩托罗拉所用的华为技术,可在收取转让费后转让给诺西。

10.The Chinese company said it had withheld this approval when asked by Motorola following the NSN deal.这家中国公司表示,在诺基亚西门子通信的收购交易公布后,对于摩托罗拉的相关请求,自己未予批准。
