


美式发音: [ˌeɪ ˈpi] 英式发音: [ˌeɪ ˈpiː]


英文单词:美联社(Associated Press);接入点(Access Point);无线接入点



1.美联社Associated Press

abbr.1.〈美〉(=Associated Press)联合通讯社2.(=airplane)

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Associated Press)2.(=airplane)

n.1.Advanced Placement: college-level classes and tests that students take at high school. Most colleges in the U.S. give credits to students who receive high scores on their AP exams.

na.1.Associated Press: an international organization that collects news stories and sells them to newspapers and television companies

1.美联社(Associated Press)有美联社(AP)、路透社(Reuters)、法国新闻社(AFP)、国际文传电讯社(Interfax)、道琼斯金融通讯社(DowJonesNewswire…

2.接入点(Access Point)在接入点 (ap)模式下,要对路由器设置一个同一子网内的,p 地址,作为您要连接的网络的一部分。缺省ip 地址为192.168.2…

3.无线接入点无线接入点控制协议 定义了无线接入点AP)与无线控制器(AC)之间的通信规则,为实现AP和

4.急性胰腺炎(acute pancreatitis)急性胰腺炎(ap)是胰腺的急性炎症过程,由多种因素引起,其发病机制目前尚不完全清楚,临床上约20%的ap病人可转化为坏 …

5.无线基地台那无线基地台(AP)就不会挑了吗? (大部份品牌的无线基地台都OK吗?)第18页 (共56页) » 前往页面 最前页, 上一页, 16 , 17 , 18 , …


1.She was rushed into surgery but when they realized what she had, they closed her up quickly, said the AP report.尽管她被迅速送往手术室,但是当医生们明白她真正患有的疾病的时候,只得马上关闭腹腔。

2.If the wireless Hosted Network is enabled at some later time, the AP adapter will show up in the system again.如果再次启用无线承载网络,则AP网卡会再次出现。

3.Unable to transmit its own news back from the front, INS started rewriting Associated Press (AP) dispatches instead.由于不能从前线传回自己的新闻,INS开始改写美联社(AP)的报道以替代。

4.The girl left (venue), about a minute later, she opened the door, face to the door and told me 'I love you', and then shut the door.AP“那个女孩离开(考场),大约一分钟后,她打开门,脸贴在门上,对我说‘我爱你’,然后又关上门。”

5.A US intelligence official quoted by AP said an explosive device had been used consisting of a "mix of powder and liquid" .有一位美国情报人员通过美联社解释,这种引爆装置是粉末和液体的混合体。

6.The International Pole Dancing Fitness Association is trying to make pole dancing (see photo) an Olympic event, AP reported.据美联社报道,国际钢管舞健身协会目前正在积极推动钢管舞(见图)的申奥计划。

7.Each students pays tens of thousands of dollars to take the AP exams here. Someone is making a ton of money off of that exam!每个学生在这里花费高昂的费用参加AP考试,某些人正在赚取暴利。

8.Airport and airline authorities are looking into the matter, the AP said.美联社报道说,机场和航空公司的有关部门正在调查此事。

9.Nevertheless, after prominent bloggers created an uproar on the matter and claimed fair use on the content, the AP backed down.然而,当一些知名博主对于此事表示抗议并要求获得公平使用内容的权利后,美联社做出了让步。

10.Place in a number of demonstrations, students clashed with riot police. Police arrested more than acts of radical students. AP.在一些示威场所,学生与防暴警察发生冲突。警方逮捕多名行为过激的学生。据新华社电。