




1.氢氧化钠氢氧化钠片硷氢氧化钠NaOH),俗称烧硷、火硷、苛性钠,因另一名称caustic soda而在香港称为哥士的,常温下是一种白 …

2.烧碱用烧碱NaOH)洗脚没有问题,但是暖气水里有许多病菌。评论| 最好不要~你拿个壶接点水放在暖气上,拿来洗脚一样的啊评 …

3.苛性钠苛性钠(NaOH)和苛性钾(KOH)是碱性干燥剂,适用于干燥有机碱类,如氨气、胺类、吡啶、重氮甲烷,生物碱等,作为干燥器 …


5.火碱使用火碱(NAOH)和磺酸调成中性,然后用些表面活性剂调制就好了 成本自己控制 大约0.6元/KG左右 不过对手不是很好 去污能 …


7.氢氧化纳氢氧化纳NaOH)俗称烧碱,是化工工业的基础产品,广泛应用于各个领域,随着经济的发展,氢氧化纳以及生产过程中产生 …


1.Reacting fat with NaOH will produce a stable soap that will usually become firmer as it cures.脂肪与NaOH反应会产生一个稳定的肥皂,将通常更加坚定,因为它治愈。

2.After ALL the NaOH has dissolved, top up to 250 ml with fresh methanol, as there may be some evaporation during mixing.等氢氧化钠完全溶解后,倒入少量新鲜甲醇至250毫升,来弥补溶解过程中挥发掉的甲醇。

3.Fox News reported today about a joint Turkish-Chinese expedition that claims to have found Naoh's ark on Mount Ararat.福克斯新闻今天报道说,一支土耳其-中国联合探险队宣称在亚拉山发现了诺亚方舟。

4.The assay of content of methoxamine hydrochloric acid using phenolphthalein indicator and NaOH as titrant was developed.提出了以酚酞为指示剂,氢氧化钠为滴定剂测定甲氧胺盐酸盐含量的方法。

5.Sipca white was prepared from laterite nickel ore by the method of molten NaOH-carbonization decomposition.以红土镍矿为原料,采用碱熔融-碳酸化分解方法制备出白炭黑产品。

6.The effect of buffer layer, the concentration of NaOH, rate of reaction, and temperature on morphology of ZnO films is investigated.研究缓冲层厚度、氢氧化钠浓度、反应速度及反应温度等条件对氧化锌薄膜形貌的影响。

7.The results show that, microwave and ionic pquid had synergetic effect on transesterification when using NaOH as catalyst.研究结果表明,用碱作催化剂时,微波和离子液体对绝缘油的制备有协同促进作用。

8.Presence of sodium from NaOH will suppress the ionization of barium in the second set of solutions.氢氧化钠中钠的存在可以抑制第二个校准溶液中钡的离子化。

9.In 10%NaOH aqueous solution, Tg of the composite kept on decreasing with the farther prolongation of immersion time.在10%NaOH水溶液中,复合材料的Tg随浸泡时间的进一步延长而继续下降。

10.The acidity from the NaHSO3 additions to the wastewater required additional alkapnity (NaOH) additions.从亚硫酸氢钠为需要额外补充碱度酸性废水(氢氧化钠)补充。