




1.弗兰克尔可以说,弗兰克尔(Frankel)是全世界最棒的赛马。10月,它以全胜的纪录退役,但因为不喜欢旅行,它从未到过家乡英格兰以 …

2.富兰克在9月1日至18日之间,实乞纳、富兰克(Frankel)、新邦勿洛、四美和巴西班让一带的有地住宅发生一连串破门行窃案。短短两 …

3.弗兰考尔西方学者弗兰考尔(Frankel)和柔马(Romer)通过对98个国家进行计量研究,发现在控制国际贸易这一变量(因素)后,人口较多 …

4.法兰克意义治疗大师法兰克Frankel),曾经在二次大战时被关过集中营,囚禁在集中营中的悲惨岁月,所有人都骨瘦如柴,似乎一 …

5.弗仑克尔根据缺陷所处的位置,又分为弗仑克尔Frankel )缺陷和肖特基(Schottky)缺陷。 2. 杂质缺陷 由于外来杂质质点进入晶格内 …



1.Frankel said he would have expected to see a shift towards euro-denominated assets.Frankel预期资金将转向以欧元计价的资产。

2.Mr Frankel said he would be looking for a break in payrolls data to corroborate the notion that the economy was bottoming.杰弗里-弗兰克尔(JeffreyFrankel)表示,他将等待就业数据出现突破性的改善,以印证经济正在触底的观点。

3.Jeffrey A. Frankel, an economist at the Harvard Kennedy School, said the appearance had a reassuring effect.杰弗里A.弗兰克尔(JeffreyAFrankel)哈佛大学肯尼迪学院的一名经济学家,说这种状况得到了令人放心的效果。

4."I think this should be part of every scientist's education, the manipulation and enhancement of images, " Ms. Frankel said.“我认为,这应该是每一位科学工作者所接受教育的分内之事——处理和改善照片,”弗兰克尔女士说。

5.Staff noticed the empty cage but Frankel said the bird's beak had been filed down so he couldn't have opened the cage by himself.工作人员注意到鸟笼已空,但Frankel表示,这只鹦鹉的嘴被锉过,因此他不可能自己打开鸟笼。

6.Alan Taylor emails me to say that Jeff Frankel did, in fact, write up his ignorance is strength version of modern macro.阿兰。泰勒在给我的电邮中说,杰夫。弗兰克尔真的把他的现代宏观经济学的无知即力量的观点写成了文章。

7.Harvard University economist Jeffrey Frankel said Chinese participation would give a powerful boost to any action.哈佛大学经济学家佛兰克尔(JeffreyFrankel)说,中国的参与将给任何行动带来强劲的助推。

8.Other make-ahead meat meals that Frankel prepares include braised short ribs and a slow-cooker lamb tagine served with sweet potato latkes.Frankel准备的其他肉食还有小火炖牛小排和羊肉炖锅,搭配甘薯饼。

9." Frankel later lamented that the " diversity training " seminars sponsored by the paper were often " depvered by shameless charlatans.后来,弗兰克尔悔恨道,报纸赞助的“多样化培训”课程,“老师们都是一群无耻的骗子。”

10."The recession is over, " one of those arbiters, Jeffrey Frankel of Harvard, wrote this week.哈佛大学的杰弗里·弗兰克尔(JeffreyFrankel)是这些“仲裁者”之一,他本周撰文称:“衰退已经结束。”