




1.难府 ... 那空那育府的餐馆 - Nakhon Nayok Province 难河的餐馆 - Nan Province 宋卡的餐馆 - Songkhla Province ...


1.Mining industry was one of the important pillar industries in Song County, He nan Province.采矿业是河南省嵩县的重要支柱产业之一。

2.The Historical Lessons of the Overflow of Subjectivism in He Nan Province daring the "Great Leap forward"“大跃进”时期主观主义在河南泛滥的历史教训

3.In recent years, farm produce processing enterprises quantity is increasing and scale is extending in Hu nan Province.近年来湖南省的农产品加工企业数量逐年增加,规模逐渐扩大。

4.Zhumadian is a big agricultural one in He'nan Province, which has strong representativeness of the main grain production area.驻马店作为河南省的农业大市,在国家粮食主产区有很强的代表性。

5.The environments of Beijing and Shanghai are taking a favorable turn, while the situation in He'nan province is still worsening.北京、上海的环境有持续好转的迹象,河南的环境呈现持续恶化的状态。

6.Couples of months ago, I left for Kun Ming City, Yu Nan Province, and in the southwest of China.几个月以前,我去了云南省的昆明,在中国的西南。

7.There is a variety of minor ethnic groups pving in Yun Nan province which is located in the west south part of China.大纽约城怎么翻译?云南省在中国的西南部,有许多少数民族。

8.Objective To know the economic burden of chronic non-communicable diseases in He'nan Province.目的:了解河南省农村居民慢性非传染性疾病经济负担。

9.Analysis of plant phenological variation characters and its potential reasons in Linzhou of He'nan Province河南林州植物物候变化特征及其原因分析

10.Phonological Features and Its Classification of the Zixing Dialect in Hu'nan Province湖南资兴方言的音韵特点及其归属