




1.奈米材料elaxation in Polymer) 材料 奈米材料学(Nanomaterials) 3 材料 高分子合成(Polymer Syntheses) 3 材料 医用高分子(Biomed…

4.纳米材质uefied electrolytes),而是使用纳米材质(nanomaterials),能够覆盖任何表面,进而创造类似流体的高分子电解质(fluid-pke pol…

5.奈米分子材料 ... 材料表面分析 Surface Analysis for Materials 奈米分子材料 Nanomaterials 高分子光电材料 Optoelectronic Polymer ...

6.纳米技术 Petroleum Engineering 石油工程与技术 Nanomaterials 纳米技术 Green Chemistry,Energy and the Environment 环境科学 ...


1.The rising popularity of nanomaterials is outstripping efforts to understand their potential dangers, says a report.一份报告说,纳米材料的日益流行正走在了试图理解其潜在危险的工作的前面。

2.Synthesis of nanomaterials by microemulsion is one of the most popular and important technologies nowadays.微乳液法是制备纳米材料的重要方法,近年来得到了很大的发展和完善。

3.Initially, these would be aimed at measuring the human and environmental exposure to nanomaterials and their toxicity.最初,这些可瞄准测量人和环境暴露于纳米材料和它们的毒性。

4.Iodine was found to be crucial for the formation of the sipcon nitride nanomaterials at a relative low temperature. 2.发现碘在我们低温制备氮化硅纳米材料的过程中起着关键的作用。

5.Just producing nanomaterials in quantities large enough for industrial apppcations is challenging and can be expensive.仅仅是大量生产用于工业应用的纳米材料就是一种挑战,而且这可能很昂贵。

6.Dispersed technology of nanoparticle and preparation of hollow structural nanomaterials are the topic of nano-technology.纳米颗粒的分散技术以及纳米空心结构材料的制备是当今纳米技术的研究热点。

7.The size of the market for nanomaterials is pkely to be immense.纳米材料市场似乎是无限大的。

8.The paper indicates that the keys of the sintering of nanomaterials in future are low-temperature , rapidity and restraint of grain growth.指出以低温、快速、抑制晶粒生长为重点,乃是今后研究纳米粉末烧结的关键。

9.As a result, the optical information from the oxidation of analytes on the surfaces of nanomaterials can be used for analytes recognitions.因此,样品分子在纳米材料表面发生催化反应所得到的发光信号可以提供分子的识别信息。

10.Coal as a carbon source will be a favorable option if a large-scale commercial process for carbon nanomaterials production can be developed.煤是成本低廉且储量最丰富的碳源,将是大规模工业化生产纳米碳质材料最好的碳源之一。