




1.国宝 鬼屋 a haunted house 国宝 national treasures 执拾细软 packed belongings ...

2.瑰丽国宝 National Treasures瑰丽国宝) 251 The Simuwu Rectangle Tripod,the Biggest Piece of Bronze Ware( 司母戊大方鼎) 2…

3.国宝档案 珠宝 JeweIlery 国宝档案 National Treasures 收藏 Collection ...

4.国家特有珍宝 纪录片《猥琐大不列颠 Rude Britannia》 纪录片《国家特有珍宝 National Treasures -... 纪录片《梦回古罗马 Meet.the.Roma…

5.国粹 clayed figure 泥人 national treasures 国粹 doll’s house 玩偶之家 ...


1.If you know me, I would recommend Mr Besson pollen to China's national treasures for you!如果你认识我,我会把中国的国珍宝贝松花粉推荐给你!

2.I; ll take it, too. I know Beijing opera is one of your national treasures. I'd pke to know more about your cultural heritage, OK?我也买一本。我知道京剧是你们的国粹之一,我希望更多地了解贵国的文化遗产。

3.They are part of a growing fraternity that regards bringing home national treasures as one of the highest expressions of patriotism.他们的共同兴趣日益高涨,把回购国宝当做爱国主义的表现。

4.So strap on your boots and get ready to hit the nature trails of some of our least-known national treasures.现在就绑好你的鞋带,准备向通往自然景观的小经——一些链接我们很少知道的国家宝藏出发吧!

5."We needed to think about security, being a temple with national treasures and many visitors, " a temple official told Reuters news agency.“作为一座拥有民族遗产和众多游客的寺庙,我们需要考虑安全问题”一位寺庙官员对路透社称。

6.Shows that depend on loans from abroad are often fraught with difficulties, with museum directors jealously guarding national treasures.依赖来自国外的贷款,再加上博物馆馆长对国家宝藏的移动极端的谨慎,导致每次展览的举办总是充满了重重困难。

7.China's national treasures, giant pandas only charmingly naive, peony and opening up is the richest moment of time! China!中国的国宝是一只只憨态可掬的大熊猫,牡丹绽放地最灿烂的时刻就是我们中国最富饶的时刻!

8.Han Jia, you said you would take me to see some national treasures, but why are you taking me to a zoo here?大牛:韩佳,你不是说要带我看国宝嘛,怎么把我带到动物园里来了呀?

9.Irene could test Washington's abipty to protect its national treasures and its poor.而艾琳的到来可能将检验华盛顿保护美国国宝以及美国穷人的能力。

10.He was charged with smuggpng archaeologically valuable national treasures and put in a cell with 14 criminals.史提凡被指控走私具有考古价值的国宝,和其他14名犯人一起被关在同一个监仓里。