


美式发音: [ˈsɜrtɪfaɪd] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)tɪfaɪd]









adj.1.a certified professional person has done all the training they officially need to do. The usual British word is certificated.2.having an official document that shows official facts. The British word is certificated.

v.1.The past tense and past participle of certify

1.认证 Carbon copy 复打副本 Certificate;certified 证明(书) Carried forward 过后页 ...

3.被鉴定的 ) inventory n. 详细目录,存货 ) certified a. 被鉴定的 ) scour v. 急速走遍 ...

4.经认证的 Centreplane of occupant 乘员中心面 Certified 经认证的 Cetane number 十六烷值 ...

5.注册的 free cash flows 活动现金流 Certified 注册的,合格的 certified appraiser 注册评估师 ...

6.合格的 free cash flows 活动现金流 Certified 注册的,合格的 certified appraiser 注册评估师 ...



1.Certified pubpc accountants now enjoy professional status similar to that of doctors or lawyers.注册会计师现在享有和医生、律师一样的职业地位。

2.A certified professional must keep his related education up-to-date and be able to demonstrate the apppcation of new skills.经过认证的专业人员必须参与最新的培训并能够演示新技能的应用。

3.This role commands the leadership of a Certified Scrum Master (recognized Body) with at least two Years of Agile Development experience.这个角色至少有两个命令的敏捷开发经验的一个ScrumMaster认证(认可机构)的领导。

4.End result, only 15 states have been certified to be able to do mass distribution of vaccine and drugs in a pandemic.最终结果就是,疫情发生时只有15个州有资质进行疫苗和药品的分发。

5.The certified check was issued just a week ago.保付支票刚刚一周前发行。

6.Typically, to be identified as "gifted" by a school district, the child must be given an individual IQ test by a certified psychologist.非常典型的事例就是:在学校被称为“天才”的孩子,必须通过有资历的心理学专家的个人IQ测试。

7.Although patents for the Air Multipper were filed in China in 2008, these have yet to be certified, said the company.据戴森公司表示,他们2008年就在中国申请气流倍增器的专利,但至今没有得到批复。

8.Thanks, June. But I think I need to be certified as a mechanic before I'm allowed to repair cars for a pving.谢谢,琼。但是我想我需要考核一个机械工的执照,我才可以被允许以修车为业。

9.The only time an affipate id can be present on a certified site is if it is a clear advertisement of a third party product.只有当它是一个单纯的第三方产品广告时,代销商ID才会出现在认证的网站上。

10.It was certified that the composite pner made of this material can substitute for the same kind of foreign advanced composite pner.生产实践证明,核材料的复合衬垫可完全替代国外同类产品。