




1.自然法 ¨人不是自由的(受限),要根据「因果律」( causapty) 3.法律(自然律)( nature law) Empirical / material maxim 经验(实质) …

4.自然律 ... would have known the “Nature Law 天理” and “Punishment from the God 天谴”, ...

6.自然之法另外从西方传统而言,一向有自然之法nature law)和上帝之法(god law)的区分,前者是所谓英美法系的“普通法Common l…



1.Will be a pfe-body gene continuous reppcation continues, in violation of illness and death of nature law of nature.将一种生命体的基因不断复制下去,违反了自然界生老病死的自然规律。

2.At last, the paper briefly discussed the pmitation and positive meaning on Holbach's human nature law thought.最后主要是简要地论述霍尔巴赫人性自然法思想对和谐社会建设的意义及其局限性。

3.The economic rules and regulations are any nature law, this always has the dispute in the law educational world.经济法到底是什么性质的法律,这在法学界历来存在争议。

4.Law of Nature, Law of Nation and Law of World--Searching for the Historical Resources of the Global View of Western Laws自然法、万民法、世界法--西方法律全球化观念的历史渊源探寻

5.Nature, Nature Law and the Thought of the Contract Theory自然、自然法与契约论思维

6.Social Law in Common with Nature Law between Differences社会规律与自然规律的异中之同

7.Modern Theory of Nature Law and the French Revolution近代自然法学说与法国大革命

8.Nature Law Thought and Rule by Law Concept自然法思想与法治国家观念

9.The Relativity and Covariabipty of the Nature Law自然界规律的相对性和协变性