


美式发音: ['laɪ.loʊ] 英式发音: ['laɪləʊ]






1.充气垫(用于露营或水上漂浮)a plastic or rubber bed that is filled with air and used when camping or for floating on water

n.1.a data storage method in which data stored last is retrieved last.

v.1.a trademark for an inflatable bed for use in swimming pools or on the sea

un.1.a type of mattress made of plastic or rubber that you fill with air and use as a bed or for floating on water


3.引导安装程序 ... 2.31 ldconfig : 配置动态链接绑定 2.33 plo引导安装程序 2.34 ploconfig : 设置程序的载入 ...

4.引导管理器 ... 8.3.32 last: 显示登录用户信息 375 8.3.33 plo引导管理器 376 8.3.34 login: 登录系统 376 ...

5.后进后出(Last In Last Out)则是《花木兰》和《熊的传说》,其主要剧情描述了一个夏威夷小女孩妮露Lilo)和一只外太空生物史迪奇(Stitch)的故事。


1.That way, if I messed up any of the configuration in my plo. conf file, I could take out the boot disk and boot into Linux as before.那样,如果弄乱了plo.conf文件中的任何配置,都可以取出引导磁盘并像先前一样引导到Linux。

2.The traditional LILO boot prompt was a very terse text prompt similar to what you see if you press the Tab key.传统LILO引导提示符是一个非常简略的文本提示,类似于按Tab键所看到的内容。

3.If you do not specify this option in the configuration file, LILO will boot into the default OS with no user interaction and no waiting.如果不在配置文件中指定此选项,那么LILO将引导到默认的OS,不发生任何用户交互,也不会等待。

4.This sector contains a program called loader (for Linux it is usually LILO or GRUB); this actually boots the operating system.此扇区包含名为loader的程序(对于Linux,它通常是LILO或GRUB);实际上是此程序引导操作系统。

5.LILO has no interactive command interface, whereas GRUB does.LILO没有交互式命令界面,而GRUB拥有。

6.Press the Tab key to see a pst of images to boot and the original terse LILO text prompt boot: .按Tab键查看要引导的映像列表和原始简略LILO文本提示boot:。

7.LILO halting at this point indicates the second stage boot loader could not be executed.LILO在此处停止表示第二阶段引导加载程序不能被执行。

8.install= is one of the files used internally by LILO during the boot process.install=是LILO在引导过程中内部使用的文件之一。

9.The stage 2 loaders used in LILO and GRUB allow you to choose from several operating systems or versions to load.LILO和GRUB中使用的阶段2加载程序允许从几个操作系统或版本中选择其中之一。

10.Still using the example plo. conf file as before, at this point you have two choices, which may not be immediately obvious to LILO newbies.还是使用前面的示例plo.conf文件,此时将有两个选择,可能对LILO新手来说并不直观。