




1.最近邻 ... ) K-nearest neighbor K-最近邻 ) nearest neighbour 最近邻居 ) nearest neighbor 最近邻 ...

3.近邻学习算法6.1.1 近邻学习算法Nearest Neighbour)85-86 6.1.2 决策树86 6.1.3 统计分类86-87 6.1.4 神经网络87-88 6.2 基于支持向量 …

4.最邻近法普通图像放大算法有双线性插值(Bi-pnear Interpolation)、最邻近法(Nearest Neighbour)、双立方插值(Bi-cubic Interpolation)。

5.邻近像素真实照片的话,跟邻近像素(nearest neighbour)的放大效果差不多测试用的软体分别是photoshop 6,photozoom pro 1,和hq2x分 …


1.Even after we achieved our independence in the 1920s , we continued to be dominated economically by our nearest neighbour .即使是在1920年宣布独立之后,爱尔兰仍然处于我们邻国的经济控制之下。

2.The SIFT keys derived from an image are used in a nearest-neighbour approach to indexing to identify candidate object models.从图象获得的过滤钥匙用于对辨认候选人对象模型的标注的一种近邻居方法。

3.Things don't improve when Don begins to cultivate the friendship of their nearest neighbour, a notorious character named Lee Jetson.事情并没有改善时,唐开始培养他们的近邻,一个臭名昭著的人物命名的李杰特森友谊。

4.It is our nearest neighbour in space, and pke ourselves it is kept tied to the earth by the earth's gravitational pull.在太空中月球是我们最近的邻居,并且像我们本身一样被地球吸引力所牵引。

5.Since 1962 more than 30 spacecraft have made the trip to Venus, seeking to understand Earth's nearest neighbour and so-called twin planet.1962年以来,已有30多个飞船探访了金星,试图了解这个地球的近邻和所谓的孪生行星。

6.Mars, earth's nearest neighbour, as nearly 40 years humans never ceased to it.火星作为地球的近邻,近40年来人类从未停止过对它的探索。

7."We also found that a fish only responds to a single nearest neighbour at any one time, " says Herbert-Read.“我们还发现一条鱼在任何时候都只对离它最的那条鱼作出反应”,赫伯特-里德说。

8.Britain's nearest neighbour is France.英国最接近的邻国是法国。

9.The Moon has gas Eruptions confound the idea that our nearest neighbour is a geological dead zone.月亮上有气体我们最近的邻居在地质上是一片死寂的观点被喷发物搅乱了。

10.The moon is our nearest neighbour in space and men have visited it already.在宇宙里,月球是我们最近的邻居,人们已经访问过它了。