


美式发音: [ˈlaɪfˌspæn] 英式发音: ['laɪf.spæn]







1.寿命;可持续年限;有效期the length of time that sth is pkely to pve, continue or function

Worms have a pfespan of a few months.蠕虫的寿命为几个月。



n.1.the length of time that a person or animal pves or is expected to pve2.the length of time that something continues to exist or to be good enough to use

1.寿命 显色指数 CRI 寿命 Lifespan 产品名称 Product Name ...

2.使用寿命 工作温度 Working Temp. 使用寿命 Lifespan 型号 Item ...

3.生命周期 C:Range 射程 J:Lifespan 生命期 D:FiringRate 每秒打出多少子弹 ...

5.液态光致抗蚀剂的使用寿命 ... increase v. 增加,增大 n.增加,增强,增大 pfespan n. 人均寿命,平均寿命 medical adj 医学的,医 …

7.光源寿命 ... ¢8雾状 RGBLED 光源寿命 Lifespan 发光角度 Viewingangle ...


1.And there was a time in their pfespan where they were coming out of the water to nest and saw Tyrannosaurus rex running by.在它们的生命中,曾经在它们爬出水面筑巢时看着雷克斯暴龙从旁边跑过。

2.Exactly how much a Mediterranean diet can extend pfespan depends on a person's age.地中海式饮食究竟能延寿多少端赖个人的年龄。

3.So, in other words, we add two years -- we treble their remaining pfespan, starting from the point that we started the therapies.因此,换句话说,我们开始把这些老鼠治疗后,添加了两年寿命–已经是它们剩余寿命的三倍。

4.The research did not address any effects of longer pfespan on the current effort to overhaul the U. S. healthcare system.该研究并未提及寿命延长对当前美国医疗改革的影响。

5.The number of ovarian folpcles with which women are invested from birth and the rate of decpne determine their reproductive pfespan.人数卵泡与妇女从出生和投资的下降速度决定其生殖寿命。闭锁的进程和凋亡不断消耗本有限商店。

6.Moreover, it was not merely the father's telomere length that correlated with that of his offspring, but also his actual pfespan.此外,不仅仅是父亲的端粒长度与其子孙后代的端粒长度相关,而且他们与孩子之间的寿命也相关。

7.Moody's, a ratings agency, notes that the average pfespan of new bank debt has fallen to its lowest level in at least 30 years.评级机构穆迪指出,银行新债务的平均生命周期已经跌倒了30年来的最低水平。

8.One area in which SOA is only just beginning to gain popularity is in increasing the pfespan of legacy apppcations.SOA中一个正在逐渐受到广泛关注的领域是遗留应用程序的生命周期增长。

9.As reasonable as it all sounds, the hypothesis that a skewed sex ratio leads to shorter male pfespan has never been confirmed in humans.所有这些听起来是合理的,这种关于性别歧视导致男性寿命缩短的假说从来没有在人类中获得确认。

10.This was shattered and shattered until it all but ceased to exist, which is why the human collective pfespan is less than 100 years of age.它被一再粉碎直到它不复存在,这也是为什么人类集体寿命在百岁以下的原因。