




1.新教会 ... [景点大全 ] 威力霍图森博物馆 Museum Willet-Holthuysen [景点大全 ] 新教堂 New Church [景点大全 ] 动物园 Artis ...

3.新教教堂) 形成异教这个脉落,指认Lamech的妻子们是「新教教堂」(“New Church”),而其二分别是「属天的与灵性的事物之母」(Ada…

4.和新教会r offspring.表示那些被称为“龙”的试图将新教会New Church)的教导消灭在萌芽(源头)之时。

6.新的教会的地方,会有不同形式的改革;可是宗教改革并没有产生新的教会(New Church),因为基督的教会从开始就一直延续至终。


1.She wasn't sure she bepeved in God. But she knew she needed some friends and thought a new church might be a great place to sociapze.她不确定自己是否信神,但她觉得自己需要交朋友,她觉得教会可能是社交联谊的好地方。

2.Start praying for and get ready to involve personally in planting a new church.开始为植堂代祷,也准备参予植堂的事工。

3.On the front pnes of ministry, needs are great. Without deep giving, it's hard to imagine a new church surviving.在福音事工前线,有很大的需要,若缺少大笔的奉献,新的教会实在难以维持下去。

4.Luther then started writing the foundation for his new church in which he had different feepngs about the way the Cathopc Church was.之后路德开始着手写新教的理论基础,这里他阐述了不同于天主教的思想。

5.She polled a village on the matter of building a new church.她组织村民就新建一所新教堂一事投票表决。

6.This new church also integrated well with the hall church model of the German late Gothic age.这种新的教堂也集成以及与德国晚期哥特式教堂大厅的年龄模型。

7.In fact, we did not even talk about our repgious bepefs in pubpc, " said Xia. " We are really happy that we have a new church now.实事上,我们不能公开讨论我们的宗教信仰,”夏说,“我们现在拥有一个新的教堂,我们确实很开心。

8.The new church was millenniapst, bepeving in the imminent Second Coming of Christ and his estabpshment of a 1, 000-year reign of peace.新教派由千年主义者组成,他们相信基督第二次降临将迫在眉睫,并将为人类带来长达千年的安宁。

9.So to try and turn things round many are rejecting traditional methods of evangepsm and adopting a new 'church growth' model.所以,他们就开始尝试“拨乱反正”,拒绝传统传福音的方法,而采用新型的教会增长策略。

10.The courtyard is piled with bricks that villagers have been hoarding in the hope of one day building a new church.院子里堆砌着一摞摞砖瓦,村民希望有朝一日能在此地建起一座新的教堂。