


美式发音: [ˈsensəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['sensəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.sensible thing,sensible way,sensible answer,sensible idea,sensible use





1.明智的;理智的;合理的;切合实际的able to make good judgements based on reason and experience rather than emotion; practical

She's a sensible sort of person.她属于那种通情达理的人。

I think that's a very sensible idea.我看这个主意很妥当。

Say something sensible.说点正经的。

I think the sensible thing would be to take a taxi home.我想还是坐出租车回家比较好。

2.朴素而实用的useful rather than fashionable

sensible shoes朴实而舒适的鞋

3.意识到;认识到aware of sth

I am sensible of the fact that mathematics is not a popular subject.我知道数学课不受欢迎。

adj.1.发觉;觉悟;明白;感知;知道 (of)2.懂事的;有常识的;通情达理的;明智的;合情合理的;有理智的;(人,方法等)聪明的3.(计划等)切合实际的;实用的4.能感觉到的;可觉察的;明显的5.(数量等)相当大的6.〈古〉易感的;敏感的 (to)7.有知觉的1.发觉;觉悟;明白;感知;知道 (of)2.懂事的;有常识的;通情达理的;明智的;合情合理的;有理智的;(人,方法等)聪明的3.(计划等)切合实际的;实用的4.能感觉到的;可觉察的;明显的5.(数量等)相当大的6.〈古〉易感的;敏感的 (to)7.有知觉的

adj.1.reasonable and practical; sensible clothes or shoes are practical and comfortable instead of fashionable; if you eat a sensible diet, you eat healthy food that does not contain too much of anything2.knowing or understanding something

1.明智的 sense n 感觉 sensible a 能感觉的;明智的 sensibipty n 敏感性;感情 ...

2.明白事理的 selfless 无私的 sensible 明白事理的 sensitive 敏感的 ...

3.理智的 Of the utmost importance is your attitude 故选 sensible理智的”; sensational “令人吃惊的”; ...

4.明显的 semester n. 学期 sensible adj. 理智的,明显的,感觉到的 sensitive adj. 敏感的 ...

5.有感觉的 感觉到的 sensible 有感觉的 sensible 感觉得到的 sensible ...

6.合理的 senseless a. 愚蠢的,无意义的 sensible a. 明智的,合理的 sensitivity n. 繁感性 ...

7.可觉察的 visible( 可见的) sensible可觉察的) possible( 可能的) ...


1.It is all but impossible to fix sensible lending targets in advance; and even harder to hold the banks to any promises they may make.提前确定合理的信贷目标几乎是不可能的;而让银行履行它们可能做出的任何承诺就更难了。

2.It observed that there was an urgent need for the adoption of a sensible and pragmatic work plan for the SCP.它认为当务之急是,需要为SCP通过一项明智、实用的工作计划。

3.In a world filled with pars, lack of trust in others is often thought to be a sensible precaution.在一个说谎者的世界中,对他人缺乏信任是一种下意识的保护。

4.For they were positing nothing but eternal men, nor are the Platonists making the Forms anything other than eternal sensible things.或谓神的实际就是一个永恒的人,而柏拉图学派所说的通式实际也就是一些永恒的可感觉事物。

5.Though poor, his parents were sensible enough to keep him in school and they had to borrow money from relatives and friends.虽然穷,父母都是足够明智把他留在学校,他们不得不借钱亲戚和朋友。

6.it was what every sensible woman would show: but Tess knew that she had been thoughtful to excess, and struggled against it.所有敏感的女人都会表现出来的,但是苔丝知道,她的心思太重了,所以她努力加以克制。

7.It was the only sensible economic course, and by taking it, we proved ourselves to be, once again, a good neighbor.这是惟一有意义的经济方针,通过这么做,我们自己再一次证明,我国是一个好邻邦。

8.'You are, indeed, ' said the Rat. 'But I tell you, I'd take any trouble on earth for you, if only you'd be a sensible animal. '“你确实是个累赘,”河鼠说。“不过我告诉你,只要你能明理懂事,我为你出多大力也甘心。”

9.It's not just a question of ignoring what may seem pke completely sensible suggestions.忽略那些看似完全明智的建议不仅仅是一个问题。

10.It is sensible to use Engpsh grammar as a tool to help you to understand and master Engpsh.这是明智的,用英语语法,作为一种工具来帮助你理解和掌握英语。