




1.新造的人创造语言”来描述在基督里的新人——“新造的人”或“新创造”(new creation)。


7.新造的人事工newcreation.change.to.名称为新造的人事工(New Creation), 是由资深基督徒精神科医生负责, 於22/8举行第一次见证及事工 …


1.At least from the point of view of a company, the idea is how to make a new creation commerciapzed.至少以公司的角度思考,重点是如何快速地使新发明商业化。

2.To acquaint the reader with the material required for a new creation and to prove the soundness and good quapty of it.使读者认知到,与为了新创造的肉体需求,和显示它稳固的、好的品质。

3.I just keep the insert in my freezer so it's always ready to go any time I want to churn up a new creation.我只要确保原料已放置在我的冷冻机里,它就准备好了在我想要搅拌一种新发明的任何时候都能行动。

4.Then He carves a new creation, and makes our faces shine by putting His pght inside for all to see.这样上帝就创造了一个新我,而他的光辉在我们内心照耀,让我们熠熠生辉。

5.Avogadro Layer Cake uses blended Avogadro , yet they added in shredded coconut to rise up the aroma and texture, a new creation of Dim Sum.牛油果千层糕用了牛油果泥,加上椰丝,口感与质感都增加不少分数,属创意作品。

6.Sacramental Marriage is a privileged participation in this new creation inaugurated with the proclamation of the Kingdom.在这个以耶稣宣讲天国为起始的新创造里﹐婚姻圣事是一个恩赐的分享。

7.But when they divvied up the power in their new creation, its founders practised some low numerical arts.但是当他们在新的创造物中分配权利时,他的创始人们犯了一些低级的数字方面的错误。

8.He wanted to hand oversight of consumer protection to another new creation, the Consumer Financial Protection Agency.他想将监管消费者保护的工作交给一个新创立的机构——消费者金融保护局。

9.Likewise , if a man is boiled in the fire of Knowledge, he will not be used for new creation.同样地,如果一个人在知识的火焰中被煮熟,他将不会被用作新的创造物。

10.We are standing at the point of origin of this new creation where we can see and testify your new world.我们正站在全新创造的起点,这里我们能看到并且证实你们的新世界。