




1.新浪漫 Neo-Prog( 新前卫摇滚 ) New Romantic( 新浪漫 ) New Wave of British Heavy Metal( 英国重金属新浪潮 ) ...

2.新浪漫主义业之声,定义含混的未来主义者(Futurist),新浪漫主义New Romantic),Psychobilly(朋克、摇滚与美国南方Hillbilly的 …

3.新浪漫派 ... NEW FOR EVER 永远 NEW ROMANTIC 浪漫小姐 NEW FANTASIA 幻想 ...

5.风格 厂牌: Virgin Records 风格New Romantic 特别推荐: More Than This、Avalon、To Turn You On ...

6.新浪漫音乐摇滚历史上著名的新浪漫音乐New Romantic),其实质是一次合成波普运动。它的代表是“史潘道芭蕾”(Spandau Ballet) …

7.浪漫经典有弹性,适合工艺、玩具、家纺类产品增值辅料。 蓝色为蓝梅味,透明为浪漫经典NEW ROMANTIC)味道。


1.In love, go slowly and try not to embelpsh the quapties of a new romantic interest that this person might not merit.在爱中,低速行驶,尽量不要美化一个新的浪漫兴趣,此人可能不值得的素质。

2.What about this new romantic comedy with Jupa Roberts ?这部由朱丽叶罗伯茨演的新的爱情喜剧片怎么样?

3.You will meet new romantic partners through the company you keep.在与同伴关系中将会产生新恋情。

4.Pleasure trips will promote new romantic encounters. Changes could be overwhelming.愉快的旅行将会为你带来新的浪漫邂逅;

5.This will herald a four-star period for enjoying romantic time together, and if single, for meeting a possible new romantic partner.这就意味着一个四星级的时段来一起享受浪漫的时间,如果你是单身,可能会遇到一个新的伴侣。

6.Opportunities to expand your circle of friends will result in possible new romantic encounters.扩展朋友圈时可能会给你带来浪漫机遇。

7.New romantic ties can be made; however, you must make sure that your motives are not selfish before you make your move.新的浪漫关系可能产生,但是在你决定行动前先要确保自己的动机不是自私的。

8.Pleasure trips will promote new romantic encounters.旅行中你会有浪漫的机遇。

9.Your new romantic partner will be telpng friends that you're a "10" in every respect.您的新浪漫的合作伙伴将告诉朋友说,你是一个“10”在每一个方面。

10.You can meet a new romantic partner or secure the love connection you already have by going out and entertaining yourself.你可以出去娱乐一下,发展新的浪漫情缘或是巩固已有的感情。