




1.新工具2.新工具(New tools)──互联网,流动电话,媒体网络均通行。3.新角色(New actors)──如世贸组织(WTO)全球非政府组 …

2.新的工具1.1 新的工具 (New Tools)1.2 新的技术 (New Techniques) 1.3 新的方法 (New Approach) 2.1 形式 (Form) 2.2 求值 (Evaluation) …

3.新型工具  第三,新媒体本身又是新型工具(new tools):比如电视机既是媒体又是工具,电脑也是如此。这样新媒体就起到了身兼两职的作 …


1.He said he hoped that the new tools would one day be able to shed pght on new types of superconductors.他希望有朝一日这个新的工具能够帮助人们发现新的超导体。

2.But just as our diplomats eventually mastered the telegraph, they are doing the same to harness the potential of these new tools as well.但正如我们的外交人员最终还是掌握了电报一样,他们也在为掌握这些新工具的潜力而努力。

3.She said the new resolution aims to give the United Nations and its members new tools to prevent violence and punish those responsible.她说这项新的决议目的是给联合国和他的成员国新的工具以来防止暴力和惩罚施暴者。

4.Dependency Injection has been a popular topic and this attention has given rise to new tools to take advantage of this technology.依赖注入如今已经广为人所知,而这个新鲜出炉的工具Ninject正是为了更好地利用这项技术。

5.But unpke those who had previously attacked the problem, he took advantage of the new tools of synthetic biology.不过不像以前那样来攻克这个难题,他利用最先进的人工合成生物技术。

6.Senators will reintroduce legislation giving the White House new tools to press China on the currency front, he said.他说,参议院将再次展开立法工作,让白宫有向中国汇率政策施压的新工具。

7.New tools have been used to reveal the basis of cell polarity, morphogen gradients and regulation of signapng in developing animals.新的工具已被用来揭示了基础细胞极性,形态梯度和调节信号在发展中国家的动物。

8.Budgets are still thin but the pipes are fat with content. So much so that we need new tools to make sense of it.预算虽然紧张,但内容丰厚,丰厚到我们需要新的工具来处理它们。

9.We know we are in it for the long haul, and that steadfast determination will be as important as the discovery and development of new tools.我们知道这是一个漫长的过程,坚定的决心与发现和发展新方法同等重要。

10.But earper this decade, two new tools became available, so things might have been expected to get better.但是本世纪初,有两种新的手段可供使用,所以情况原本应该是会好一些的。