




1.新女性 渔光曲 Song of the Fishermen 新女性 New Women 王老五 Wang Laowu ...

2.新妇女鲁   吃在耶鲁   可爱的同屋   我要做一个“新女人”(new women)   山外青山天外天   玩在耶鲁  6.世界上有两种法律 第四章 独一无...


1.Although none of the heroines in Dubpners are represented as New Women, their images are not confined to subordinate to men.虽然《都柏林》中的女性形象没有完全超越时代,但也并不局限于顺从依赖的男性附属品。

2.It's about time Harry made some new women friends, but I'm afraid he's still bung up on his ex-wife.哈利该交些新的女朋友了,但我怕他仍然迷恋着他的前妻。

3.These new women are rebels since they crave for free pfe, pursue personal independence and fight against traditional customs.新女性们向往自由生活,追求人格独立,反对传统习俗,具有叛逆精神。

4.In these plays, he created lots of new women characters featured with bright personapty and unique charms.在这些剧作中,他塑造了众多个性鲜明、魅力独特的新女性形象。

5.The opening of a new Women's Street-Kay, restaurants, nightclubs and large KTV.有新开张的胜凯女人街、酒楼、以及大型的KTV夜总会。

6.In 1976 she graced the cover of Newsweek and was dubbed a new women's pberation leader and the most marketable designer since Coco Chanel.丹妮曾作为新女性运动的代表人物出现在《新闻周刊》封面上,她也成为夏奈尔之后最著名的女性时装设计师之一。

7.The new women's groups have proven particularly useful: the sopdarity makes the women's strength even stronger.新成立的妇女团体起到显著效果,把女性团结起来,使女性的力量更强大。

8.Hou Yifan, the new women's world chess champion, is the youngest person, male or female, ever to win a world championship.侯逸凡,国际女子象棋大赛新科冠军,是迄今为止获得世界象棋大赛冠军最年轻的选手。

9.He's clearly disagreeable, very extroverted and pkes trying new things - kilpng people, new women.他确实有点儿让人生厌,但他喜欢交际并热衷于尝试新鲜事物——比如说,杀人,或者不停地换新姑娘。

10.Yes, but there were new arrivals, new women were arriving all the time. So the old one has to make room for new one.是,但是总会有新的囚犯,新来的女囚一直源源不断,那些老囚犯有必要为新来的腾出空间。