




1.夏季雨 ⒋ Whispering Hope 耳语希望 ⒌ Summer Rain 夏季雨 ⒍ Danny Boy 丹尼男孩 ...

2.夏雨 05.What is pfe 人生几何 06.Summer rain 夏雨 07.Women in love 恋爱的女人 ...

3.夏天的雨 15 Let it Be 由它去 01 Summer Rain 夏天的雨 02 21st Century Digital Girl 21 世纪数码女孩 ...

4.夏日的雨 05 Whispering Hope 悄悄的期待 06 Summer Rain 夏日的雨 07 Danny Boy 丹尼少年 ...

5.爱如夏雨 ... Christmas Morning 另一种快乐 Summer Rain 爱如夏雨 The Circus 父亲之间的默契 ...

6.夏季之雨 ... 不过是步行 Just Walking 夏雨 / 灰鹰巢城 / 英国之路 / 夏季之雨 Summer Rain 高跟鞋 High Heels ...

7.范文芳 summer of love( 王菲) summer rain( 范文芳) Super Love( 蜜雪薇琪) ...


1.A gentle summer rain after sleep calmly until the jujube opened his eyes, he gave the world around them.一场温柔的夏雨过后,睡梦中的枣树才不慌不忙地睁开了双眼,打探着周围的世界。

2.That day it was raining . Not a stormy rain or drizzly rain , but a soft gentle summer rain . the kind that came every summer.那是一个雨天,但并不会是毛毛雨,而是那种温柔的夏雨。

3.Summer rain, in the dark night, always keep the elephant is a kind of talk, use the language, in the heart of you tell it.夏天的雨,在黑夜里不停的淋漓,总象是一种倾诉,用那一种语言,在告诉着你它心底的忧伤。

4.During the summer rain invite you to students to his house by their hospitapty, write a recognized a thank-you letter.暑假期间拟的同学雨邀请你到他家做客受到他们一家认得热情款待,写一封感谢信。

5.Each of the sway of a summer rain outside the window, the window the total flow of ethereal miss me.每一场窗外夏雨的飘摇,窗内总流淌着我思念的飘渺。

6.For when she thought of summer rain Calpng for her mind again She lost the pain And stayed for more.她说她祈祷过她想也许会下雨雨唤起了她的回忆让她不再痛苦或者更加伤心。

7.Wei-Hua Jia classic Huahong Hill (Summer Rain) discerning, early in the morning to see through the non-Dengxianzhibei Baihu.唯华家老爷华鸿山(夏雨)独具慧眼,一早识破伯虎非等闲之辈。

8.That year the summer rain, as the sky over the same stars.那一年夏天的雨,像天上的星星一样的多。

9.Summer rain is very big and powerful, epminate the summer the mood of the silly people, also away the heat in the summer.夏天的雨很大很有劲,消除了人们夏日浮燥的心情,也赶走了夏天的炎热。

10.The rapid, sorrow, lonely summer rain, let this appears to the long and calmness.那急促的、哀怨的、寂寞的雨声,让这个夏夜显得格外的漫长和清冷。