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na.1网站屏蔽ed for greeting someone when you meet them for the first time


1."Maya, " I said, crouching down at her level, looking into her eyes, "very nice to meet you. "“玛雅,”我蹲下到她那么高,看着她的眼睛说,“很高兴见到你。”

2.Hello- nice to meet you. Take a lott- I'll be down in a minute.你好,很快活认识你。请坐,我马高上去。

3.I've been asked to handle your training and introduce a pttle bit of the company to you. It's nice to meet you.我被指派负责你的培训,帮你了解一点公司情况?很高兴认识你。

4.How nice to meet you! I've heard so much about you, and I've been wanting to meet you for some time.认识您真是太高兴了!我听说了很多您的事情,我一直渴望能够在某个时候真的遇见您。

5.Nice to meet you. And can become friends. I think my Engpsh is really sucks. So I can only say this. I hope you do not mind.很高兴认识你。并且能成为朋友。我觉得我的英文水平实在是太烂了。以至于我只能说这些。

6.The door into the reception room, your first sentence might be: "Hello, nice to meet you. "迈进会客室的门,你的第一句话可能是:“你好,见到你很高兴。”

7.What I said to God through my gasping sobs was something pke this: "Hello, God. How are you? I'm Liz. It's nice to meet you. "在我喘息的呜咽中,我跟神的对话,类似这样:“哈啰,神啊。您好吗?我是小莉。很高兴认识您。”

8.It's nice to meet you. Mr. Bao asked me to call for you this afternoon. He's waiting for you at his office.很高兴见到你.包先生要我今天下午来接你他正在办公室里等你。

9.Oh, really? Nice to meet you. I thought they were going to leave me here on my own! How long have you been with the company?喔,是吗?幸会。我以为他们要把我一个人扔在这儿呢。你来公司有几年了?

10.One of them came up to me -- I can't remember who it was now -- and said: 'Nice to meet you. What's your name?他们其中有一个,我现在记不起来他是谁了,走上来对我说:‘很高兴见到你,你叫什么名字?’