


美式发音: [ˈnɪmˌrɑd] 英式发音: [ˈnimrɔd]






n.1.a skillful or enthusiastic hunter


2.猎迷 Op.pressure 操作水压 Nimrod (猎人) Housing Material 外壳材料 ...

5.猎迷式 PROUD 骄傲 NIMROD 勇敢的猎人 LAND OF HOPE AND GLORY 希望与荣耀的土 …


1.And Cush begot Nimrod: He began to be a mighty one on the earth.古实又生宁录,他是地上最早的勇士。

2.Virgil: One here is called Nimrod, the builder of Babel. For his great flaw, a single language is not shared throughout the world.维吉尔:在这这位名为尼姆罗德,是巴别塔的建造者。由于他的重大缺失,没有单一语言能遍及全世界地使用。

3.Cush also begot Nimrod who was the first man of might on earth .卡什还生了尼姆罗德,尼姆罗德是世上第一个力大无穷的人。

4.He looked at me in a very funny way that night after Nimrod went away.那天晚上,尼姆罗德走后,他怪模怪样地看着我。

5.Xixiyouer: The operation was a same one in which a British Nimrod plane was taking part when it crashed on Saturday.这一句是这个意思吗:一架英国Nimrod飞机加入也是这次行动的一部分,这架飞机于周六坠毁。

6.By the time the Marsh joins the immense Nimrod Glacier, some 35 miles from our camp, the ice is on a rapid charge to the Ross Sea Ice Shelf.待马什冰川汇合入庞大的尼姆罗德冰川后(距我们的营地约35英里处),冰层快速冲向罗斯冰架。

7.Seen in a radar image released last week, Nimrod Glacier in Antarctica resembles a fast-flowing river of molten metal.在这幅上周公布的雷达图片上,南极的尼姆罗德冰川像是一条奔流的金属之河。

8.Thus Nimrod ascribed to himself power and authority over his fellow man and ruled them.因此宁录以他的权威凌驾于他的子民之上并统治他们。

9.He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.10:9他在耶和华面前是个英勇的猎户,所以俗语说,像宁录在耶和华面前是个英勇的猎户。

10.In Genesis 10, Babel is said to have formed part of the kingdom of Nimrod.在创世纪第十章,巴别塔据说已经成为了猎人王国的一部分。