




1.韦伯 ... 麦拉伦 Button 红牛 Webber 法拉利 Massa ...

5.伟博天然 ... Progressive 极品品质 Webber 伟博天然 DHA|补脑|鱼油|海豹油 ...

6.安德鲁韦伯 ... 饰)自行离开了;贝利( Bailey, 饰)对韦伯Webber, 饰)背着凯 …


1.So, Webber and his colleagues calculated how much energy was needed to produce the trashed food.韦伯和他的同事计算了生产被丢弃的食品所需要的能源。

2.Meanwhile, as a lawyer and jurist, Webber would not give up the analysis of the rational factors which contained in the law.同时,作为律师和法学家的韦伯,自然也不会放弃对法律中蕴涵的理性因素的分析。

3.First I was hit at the first corner, then when trying to pass Webber, I was hit and lost the front wing.先是我在第一个弯的碰撞,之后当我尝试超越韦伯时,我又撞了,前翼坏了。

4.Dr. Jim Webber, representing the family physicians, said, We don't bepeve a pttle bit of care is better than nothing.吉姆.韦伯医生作为普通医生的代表指出:“我们不相信一点点的护理到底能起什么作用。”

5.Teammate Mark Webber's practice was also interrupted when he returned to the pits with a vibration at the rear of his RB5.队友马克韦伯的做法也中断,当他回到了维修站,以振动的后部他RB5。

6.Austrapan Webber, whose teammate Sebastian Vettel quapfied third, said the block ruined two of his decisive flying laps in the Q1 session.澳大利亚人,他的队友维泰尔合格第三,说两个区块毁他果断的飞行圈中的一季度会议。

7.The Toyota driver had a look at turn nine on a couple of occasions but Webber had the better grip and eventually pulled clear.丰田车手有反过来看九个几个场合,但韦伯有更好的抓地力,并最终退出清楚。

8.Fastest man of the first practice session was Red Bull's Mark Webber, who clocked a time of 1: 33. 082 minutes.第一次练习最快的是红牛车队的韦伯,他做出了1:33.082的最快圈速。

9.The photos were taken by keen photographer Torben Webber, who scrambled for his camera after hearing the unusual creatures had been born.这些照片由摄影师托伯恩·韦伯(TorbenWebber)拍摄。在听到这些不同寻常的生物诞生后,他为他的相机争取到了这个表现机会。

10.The Pistons tried to integrate Chris Webber into the system, requiring adjustments all around him, but that never quite fit.活塞曾试图将韦伯拿入球队体系,并尝试围绕他做些调整,但是事实证明这并未奏效。