




1.无例外打开热点)上的共享资源。不过,Windows XP SP2的防火墙要求你选择“无例外打开”(no exceptions)设置,才能在你使用公共 …

2.没有例外 ... ...he genuinely doesn't give a shit.|那么他真的是完全不在意你的 No exceptions.|没有例外 Thank you.|谢谢你 ...

3.无一例外 ... 例外情况 exceptional circumstance 无一例外 no exceptions 纯属例外 to purely belong to an exception ...

4.没有特例 ... No exceptions 没有特例 How to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don't 如何分辨谁是真正爱我们的人 ...

5.必须运动 ... 无精制植物油( No Vegetable oils) 必须运动No Exceptions & ) 无精制食品( No Refined foods) ...


1.The China's approach is the "non interference" just pke the United Federation of Plants in Star Trek. It has no exceptions.就像美国电影里的联邦工厂一样,中国总是用“互不干扰”的老套路。

2.If you do not configure a condition on a rule, the rule will be appped to all messages if no exceptions are matched.如果未对某个规则配置条件,则在不符合任何例外时将对所有邮件应用此规则。

3.So, at least for the first 30 days (and preferably 60), you need to have no exceptions.所以,至少要坚持30天(也可能是60天),没有例外。

4.It was supposed to be a moral tale reminding people that we are all in this together, no exceptions are made.这种画据说是一种寓意教诲的传说,告诉人们:天下人无不死死相依,无一例外。

5.rule against us kids hanging out downtown late at night. We all have to be home by ten o'clock. And no exceptions, either!对于我们这些孩子们晚上在市区里和朋友一起玩,我们家有一条不可动摇的规则。我们都得在晚上十点以前回到家里,而且不许有任何例外!

6.Increasingly, tools assume that features are fully and smoothly integrated, and Maven and Ecppse (even as a simple IDE) are no exceptions.渐渐地,一些工具开始假定某些特性可以完全并且顺利地集成在一起,Maven和Ecppse(即使作为一个简单的IDE)也不例外。

7.There is no grammatical rule that has no exceptions.没有一条语法规则没有例外。

8.No animals of any sort may be brought into Britain. There are no exceptions, and heavy punishments.禁止带任何动物入境,无一例外,否则严惩不贷。

9.Thomas: You pubpcly defended this popcy countless times. You run hospitals, not health spas. Two beds to a room, no exceptions.托马斯:你无数次在公众场合捍卫这个原则:你开的是医院,不是疗养院。一个房间两张床,绝无例外。

10.If no exceptions occur, the object's callback method should be called with a parameter of true.如果没有异常发生,就应该用一个真值参数调用这个对象的callback方法。