


美式发音: [ˈteɪb(ə)lˌlænd] 英式发音: ['teɪbllænd]



复数:tablelands  同义词反义词





1.台地;高原a large area of high flat land


n.1.a large raised area of flat land

1.高原 disband 解散(团体) tableland 高原,台地 hinterland 内地,穷乡僻壤 ...

2.台地 台灯〖 desklamp;tablelamp〗 台地tableland;platform〗 台风〖 typhoon;hurricane〗 ...

3.高地 systematic samppng 系统抽样 tableland 高地 tachograph 行车纪录仪 ...

4.高原大堡地 高原, 台地, 高地 tableland n.海台,海底高地,高原 tableland n.高原,台地 tableland ...

6.高原高地 海底高原 submarine plateau 高原高地 tableland 高原砾石 plateau gravel ...

7.低高原 高原电机 gh-altitude mac hine~high-altitude machine 低高原 1. lower plateau;tableland 高原坡地 plateau escarpment ...


1.So, the summit of this mysterious tableland remained unvisited, and fascination and intrigue continued to grow.因此,这个极具神秘色彩的高原之巅一直就没有人造访过,人们对它的向往与兴趣继续高涨。

2.So, this fruit is called "Snow Golden Fruit" , also named "Tableland Holy Fruit" , whose formal name is seabuckthorn.于是人们称此果为“雪域金果”又尊称为“高原圣果”,学名叫沙棘。

3.The main trend of the loess in Changchun tableland is: gradual debasement from the Northeast to the southwest.长春的黄土台地底板从大趋势上来看是:从东北部向西南部逐渐变低。

4.This product is 100% pure juice , made of the wild seabuckthorn on snow tableland.本品是以生长在雪域高原上的野生沙棘果为原料制成的100%纯果汁。

5.The northwestern tableland area has a continental plateau cpmate with long and chilly winter and cool humid summer.西北高原地区是大陆高原气候,有漫长而寒冷的冬季,凉爽而湿润的夏季。

6.Conventional tomostatics cannot reach the reasonable accuracy in processing the data from crooked wide pne geometry in Loess Tableland.常规层析静校正技术用于黄土塬地区弯宽线资料处理难以达到合理的精度。

7.The land is composed of gravelly tableland and clay soil.土壤主要由砾质台地和粘土组成。

8.It is built nearby tableland and ditches with three surfaces facing ditches and one surface leaning hill.依塬傍沟而建,三面临沟、一面靠山,地势偏僻险要。

9.An elevated, comparatively level expanse of land; a tableland.高原高的,比较平的大片土地;

10.We are standing on the tableland, so if you feel sick, call me.我们正站在高原上,所以如果你觉得不舒服的,叫我。