




1.非牛顿流体 牛顿流体 Newtonian fluid 非牛顿流体 non-Newtonian fluid 宾汉姆流体 Bingham fluid ...

2.非牛顿型流体 ... 房 - 室延搁 ** atrioventricular delay 非牛顿液 non-Newtonian fluid 肺循环 * pulmonary circulation ...

4.非牛顿液体非均质液体的粘滞度随切率的减小而增大,这类液体则称为非牛顿液体non-Newtonian fluid),全血就属于非牛顿液体。当切 …

5.非牛顿性流体由於其组成成份中水与固态物质充分混合,使其运动型态与力 学机制属於非牛顿性流体 (non-Newtonian fluid),而呈现较复杂 …


1.The regression method of rheology parameter for non-Newtonian fluid is obtained by the least square method.同时根据最小二乘法原理得出确定非牛顿流体流变参数的回归分析方法。

2.The existed problems in well test study for a reservoir with non-Newtonian fluid flow ar. . .提出了非牛顿流体渗流过程中亟待解决的问题,并对今后试井分析的发展进行了展望。

3.Therefore, the basis of theoretical analysis is presented for the apppcation of non-newtonian fluid in tribology.从而为这种非牛顿流体在摩擦学中的应用提供了理论分析基础。

4.Non- Newtonian fluid is common in the world, but the study of diffusion theory is only pmited to Newtonian fluid.非牛顿流体是普遍存在的,而目前扩散理论的研究仅限于牛顿流体。

5.It is completely proved that the rheological properties of the non-newtonian fluid conform to Power-Law model.充分证明幂指式流变模型完全符合这种流体的本构方程。

6.Through numerical simulation, general recovery principle of water flooding in reservoir with non - Newtonian fluid has been demonstrated.通过数值模拟研究,论证非牛顿流体油藏注水开发的一般性开采原则。

7.the emulsion changes into non-Newtonian fluid when the emulsifier concentration reaches 5%.增大乳化剂质量分数到5%导致乳液转变为具有一定结构特性的非牛顿流体。

8.Compared with the non-Newtonian fluid, the effect of rolpng motion on Newtonian fluid is more averaged.与非牛顿流体相比,牛顿流体受摇摆运动的影响更加平均。

9.The main object of rheology is to study non-Newtonian fluid.流变学的主要研究对象是非牛顿流体。

10.Numerical simulation of annulus flow of non-Newtonian fluid in injection allocation regulator corrugated pole非牛顿流体在配注器波纹杆环空中流动的数值模拟