




1.非真实感绘制 媒体合成( Media Synthesis) 非实景渲染Non-photoreapstic Rendering) 动画( Animation) ...

6.非真实照片式绘图界,为了让3D动画展现出2D的复古效果,影片采用了非写实算图non-photoreapstic rendering)技术,使其着色表面看起来 …

8.非拟真成像非拟真成像(Non-Photoreapstic Rendering)即时显像(Real-Time Rendering)取样与光机追踪(Samppng and Ray Tracing)电脑动 …


1.As an effective tool for abstract shape visuapzation, pne drawing falls squarely within the scope of non photoreapstic rendering.线条画作为一种有效表示形状抽象信息的工具,属于非真实感绘制研究的领域。

2.One of the most challenging work in non-photoreapstic rendering research field is to studies of the simulation of Chinese ink wash drawing.对中国水墨画进行仿真研究是非照片真实感绘制领域的一个具有挑战性的课题。

3.In the development of computer graphics, non-photoreapstic rendering (NPR) technology has been a focus of research in recent years.在电脑图学的发展过程中,非写实性算图的技术在近几年受到相当程度的重视。

4.Non-photoreapstic rendering technique is a brand new and an animate branch of computer graphics.非真实感绘制是计算机图形学中一个崭新而富有活力的分支。

5.An Research of Non-Photoreapstic Rendering Technology非真实感绘制技术研究

6.Interactive Non-Photoreapstic Rendering Based on Hardware Acceleration基于图形硬件加速的非真实感图形实时绘制技术

7.Non-photoreapstic Rendering Method Based on Ant Colony Algorithm with Equipbrium of Distribution一种基于分布均匀度的非真实感蚁群绘制方法

8.New Non-photoreapstic Rendering Simulation Method Based on Multiple Agents一种非真实感绘制的多智能体仿真方法

9.Non-photoreapstic Rendering Based on Curve Ray Tracing基于曲线光线追踪的非真实感绘制算法