


美式发音: [nɔr] 英式发音: [nɔː(r)]





conj.and ... not,than



1.neither… nor….not… nor…也不and not

She seemed neither surprised nor worried.她似乎既不惊讶也不担心。

He wasn't there on Monday. Nor on Tuesday, for that matter.他星期一没在那儿。星期二也一样,也不在。

Not a building nor a tree was left standing.房屋树木无一幸存。

2.(用于肯定动词前,表示同意刚提及的否定命题)也不used before a positive verb to agree with sth negative that has just been said

She doesn't pke them and nor does Jeff.她不喜欢他们,杰夫也不喜欢。

‘I'm not going.’ ‘Nor am I.’“我不想去。”“我也不去。”

conj.1.(不...)也不2.(因此)也不3.但未,但不4.(既不)...也不,(...没有)...也没有5.和 neither 或 not 连用6.〈古,诗〉省去 neither7.〈诗〉nor ... nor=neither ... nor8.〈方〉比1.(不...)也不2.(因此)也不3.但未,但不4.(既不)...也不,(...没有)...也没有5.和 neither 或 not 连用6.〈古,诗〉省去 neither7.〈诗〉nor ... nor=neither ... nor8.〈方〉比


conj.1网站屏蔽ed after a negative statement when adding another negative statement

1.也不 noon 正午,中午 nor 也不,也没有 normally 通常,正常地 ...

2.既不……也不 not … but 不是…而是) neither … nor 既不…也不) both … and (不但…而且), ...

3.或非 NAND—— 与非 NOR——— 或非 XOR—— 异或 ...

4.或非门 Nor gate 或非门 NOR 或非门 NOR-element 或非元件 ...

5.也没有 noon 正午,中午 nor 也不,也没有 normally 通常,正常地 ...

6.挪威(Norway) 荷兰/ NLD 挪威/ NOR 尼泊尔/ NPL ...

7.去甲 去火〖 reduceinternalheat〗 去甲nor〗 去就〖 assumeornotassumethe…


1.In the US, however, with its huge number of banks, such a guarantee is neither feasible nor necessary.然而,鉴于美国的银行数目巨大,此类担保在那里既不可行,也不必要。

2.A society in which the observance of the law is not assured, nor the separation of powers defined, has no constitution at all.第十六条凡权利无保障和分权未确立的社会,就没有宪法。

3.NEITHER Sri Lanka's government, nor the United Nations seems ready to back down over an increasingly bitter dispute.斯里兰卡政府和联合国之间的分歧日益扩大,但是目前看来双方均不愿作出让步。

4.Officer singular, nor do more analysis, to consider the question of course is not good the tray, but only to the final conclusion.干事奇异,也不多做分析,考虑问题的进程不好盘托出,而只是给人最终的结论。

5.However, neither it nor any of the others allow you to use their app to actually do reporting pke this.它们中没有一款应用程序可以让你使用它们的程序来像这样来实际做新闻报道。

6.Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.在受到巨大恐惧影响的时候,不能相信一个人,一个群体,或是一个国家,会采取人道行为,或进行理智思考。

7.I must never let him learn his strength nor what he could do if he made his run.我千万不可以让它明白自己的力量有多大,也不能让它知道可以如何逃跑。

8.There was no flutter of memory, no effort to hold or to resist, nor was there anything in the future to be gained.没有记忆的骚动,没有抓住或抵制的努力,也没有什么要在未来得到的东西。

9.It does not cache any content nor store any other information contained in the body of the HTTP data flow.它不缓存任何内容,也不存储HTTP数据流主体中包含的任何其他信息。

10.Jews do not bepeve in the Christian concept of Hell, nor that only those following one specific faith can be "saved" .犹太人也不相信基督教的地狱概念,也不认为追随一个特定的信仰就可以“得救”。