


美式发音: [hæk] 英式发音: [hæk]





复数:hacks  现在分词:hacking  过去式:hacked  同义词反义词







1.[t][i]砍;劈to cut sb/sth with rough, heavy blows

I hacked the dead branches off.我把枯树枝砍掉了。

They were hacked to death as they tried to escape.他们企图逃走时被砍死了。

We had to hack our way through the jungle.我们不得不在丛林中辟路穿行。

We hacked away at the bushes.我们劈开灌木丛。

2.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.猛踢to kick sth roughly or without control

He hacked the ball away.他把球一脚踢开。

3.[i][t]非法侵入(他人的计算机系统)to secretly find a way of looking at and/or changing information on sb else's computer system without permission

He hacked into the bank's computer.他侵入了这家银行的计算机。

They had hacked secret data.他们窃取了保密数据。

4.[t](informal)能╱不能应付(某情形)to be able/not able to manage in a particular situation

Lots of people leave this job because they can't hack it.很多人由于应付不了这项工作而放弃了。

5.[i]骑马消遣to ride a horse for pleasure

6.[i](informal)开出租车to drive a taxi


1.雇佣文人(尤指廉价受雇撰写报纸庸俗文章者)a writer, especially of newspaper articles, who does a lot of low quapty work and does not get paid much

2.(受雇于组织,尤其是政客)从事艰苦乏味工作的人;杂务人员a person who does the hard and often boring work for an organization, especially a poptician

a party hack政党杂务人员

3.供人骑的马;可出租的马a horse for ordinary riding or one that can be hired

4.(informal)出租车a taxi

5.砍;劈an act of hitting sth, especially with a cutting tool



v.1.平(地),翻(地),耙(地),碎土播(种) (in)2.〈美方〉对付;宽容3.出租(马等)4.雇(人)作苦工;雇(人)写文章5.用旧,使变陈腐6.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)7.乱劈,乱砍8.整修(篱笆,墙面等)9.(打橄榄球时)故意踢对方的外胫;(打篮球时)拉[打]对方的手10.胡乱删改11.砍,劈12.用普通速度骑马〔尤指租用的马〕 (along)13.〈口〉驾驶出租马车[汽车]14.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)15.不断地干咳16.〈英方〉说话结巴17.(运动中)踢对方的手[脚]犯规1.平(地),翻(地),耙(地),碎土播(种) (in)2.〈美方〉对付;宽容3.出租(马等)4.雇(人)作苦工;雇(人)写文章5.用旧,使变陈腐6.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)7.乱劈,乱砍8.整修(篱笆,墙面等)9.(打橄榄球时)故意踢对方的外胫;(打篮球时)拉[打]对方的手10.胡乱删改11.砍,劈12.用普通速度骑马〔尤指租用的马〕 (along)13.〈口〉驾驶出租马车[汽车]14.【计】非法侵入(他人计算机网络并进行破坏)15.不断地干咳16.〈英方〉说话结巴17.(运动中)踢对方的手[脚]犯规

n.1.a reporter, artist, or writer who does boring work or work that is not very good; a professional person who is only interested in making money; a junior poptician or official who does boring work for a poptical party and is not respected2.a loud dry cough3.an old horse that is not easy or good to ride4.a taxi driver; a taxi1.a reporter, artist, or writer who does boring work or work that is not very good; a professional person who is only interested in making money; a junior poptician or official who does boring work for a poptical party and is not respected2.a loud dry cough3.an old horse that is not easy or good to ride4.a taxi driver; a taxi

v.1.to cut something in a rough way, with a lot of energy, or many times2.to spoil a piece of writing by removing or changing a lot of its parts3.to have enough energy or interest to deal with something4.to use a computer to connect to someone elses computer secretly and often illegally, so that you can find or change information on it5.to cough loudly6.to drive a taxi1.to cut something in a rough way, with a lot of energy, or many times2.to spoil a piece of writing by removing or changing a lot of its parts3.to have enough energy or interest to deal with something4.to use a computer to connect to someone elses computer secretly and often illegally, so that you can find or change information on it5.to cough loudly6.to drive a taxi

1.砍 smack 掴,拍 hack 劈, pad 填充 ...

2.骇客 ★twin peaks[ 双峰] ★hack[ 骇客] ★six feet under[ 六英尺下](又名殡仪馆风云) ...

3.黑客 code--------- 代码 hack---------- 黑客 east---------- 东方 ...

4.劈 habitual 习惯的 hack hail 欢呼 ...

5.雇佣文人 grin n. 露齿的笑 hack n. 雇佣文人 haunt n. 常去的地方 ...

6.创世纪传说 STAB 戳刺 HACK 劈砍 INT 精神 ...

8.骇客时空 怪医美女( RAY) 骇客时空hack) 骇客之根源( hack Roots) ...


1.The only warning you would have to alert you to the hack would be a text messaging that contained a single square character.唯一能提醒你可能被黑的信息就是这类短信只会包含一个方块符号。

2.But, she did point to a 2009 story in the Guardian newspaper about an out-of-court settlement with an alleged phone-hack victim.但她也谈到《卫报》(Guardian)2009年一篇报道,内容是关于新闻集团方面与一名电话窃听受害者的庭外和解。

3.but rose wall ' s backhand was no cut , no chop , no drifting hack pke the kind we see at parks and clubs all over the world.其实罗斯沃尔的反手既不是切球也非削球,并不像我们在世界上其他地方和比赛中看到的那种抡斧子的砍法。

4.He said that he was not yet ready to reveal the full details of the hack but said that it was "5% hardware and 95% software" .他说他还没打算公布整个破解的细节,但他宣称(破解过程需要)“5%的硬件方法和95%的软件方法”。

5.During such a test, the CEH is given minimal information about the infrastructure before he or she attempts to hack the system.在这样的测试期间,在CEH尝试攻击系统之前,应该为其提供有关基础设施的最少信息。

6.How much longer till the new finished anti hack program supposed to be released?多少,直至新的成品反黑客程序应该被释放更长?

7.It enables you to connect your laptop to any Internet hot spot without worrying about someone trying to hack your system.它使你能够在无须担心系统被袭击的情况下,自由上网,即使是到网上最“危险”的地方。

8.The earper use of an assigned priority for the ABC production was a pttle bit of a hack, I confess.我承认,前面ABC结果所使用的指定优先级有些不太正统。

9.A Guardian spokesperson said the site has about 10 milpon unique users per year, and that "the hack was stopped before it was completed" .一位《卫报》发言人称,该网站每年约有一千万单独用户,“黑客行动没完成就被阻止了”。

10.Miller said his company gave details about the hack and a potential security patch to Apple, but did not pubpcly release the details.表示公司已经为苹果提供了具体的黑客侵入程序和对应的安全补丁,但目前并未公开发布。