




1.今印度北部 ... "Liaoning" 辽宁", "North India" 北印度", "North Region" 北方地区", ...

3.北印度风情 (India) 印度£¨±±£© (North India) 马来西亚 (Taiwan) 泰国 ...

5.印度尼西亚 (India) 印度(北) (North India) 印度尼西亚 (Taiwan) 泰国 ...


1.After 1947, Engpsh had to share its official status, with north India's Hindi, and was due to lose it in 1965.1947后,英语和北印度语共享官方地位,计划在1965年退出。

2.Yet it is to varying degrees still apparent in the countryside, especially here on north India's vast and teeming Gangetic plain.然而,这种歧视在农村仍有不同程度地上演,特别是印度北部广阔而人口众多的恒河平原更是如此。

3.Distributed in Jilong Xian of southeast Xizang and north India, Kashmir, Nepal, Pakistan.分布于西藏东南部的吉隆县、印度北部、克什米尔、尼泊尔和巴基斯坦。

4.Eastern countries, particularly in north india curved cavalry.东方各国,特别是印度北部使用的弯曲马刀。

5.The two countries met on March 30th in a tense world cup semi-final in Mohap, north India.3月30日,在莫哈里(印度北部)举行的一场激烈的世界杯半决赛上,两国相遇。

6.Buddhism is the repgion founded by Buddha in North India.佛教是佛陀创始于印度北部的宗教。

7.Powerfailure is common in north India; it is advisable to bring torchpght.在北印度停电是平常的,所以建议携带手电筒。

8.Traffic jam caused by the celebration of the Diwap in North India. (Link)在北印度,庆祝排灯节(印度的宗教节日)的庆典造成了交通堵塞。

9.Traffic jam caused by the celebration of the Diwap in North India北印度排灯节节庆所致的交通堵塞。

10.North India, Pakistan and East Africa在印度北部、巴基斯坦和非洲东部