


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ɡɔθənbə:ɡ]






un.1.seaport and industrial city on the Göta River estuary in southwestern Sweden. It is the second largest city and principal port of Sweden.

1.哥德堡 Glasgow 格拉斯哥- 英国 Gothenburg 哥德堡- 瑞典 Guangzhou 广州- 中国 ...

2.瑞典 Glasgow 格拉斯哥- 英国 Gothenburg 哥德堡- 瑞典 Guangzhou 广州- 中国 ...

3.瑞典哥德堡 COPENHAGEN( 哥本哈根)、 GOTHENBURG歌德堡)、 KOTKA( …

5.哥特堡来自哥特堡Gothenburg)的塞克说:〝我的基本概念是质疑什么是真的、什么是虚构的,以及真实是否真的那么重要。〞( …

6.哥德堡市另外还在哥德堡市(Gothenburg)举办了3场讲法报告会,斯德哥尔摩 (Stockholm) 举办了1场讲法报告会,Uddevalla 举办了1场 …

7.哥登堡底下是哥登堡(Gothenburg) 的Torslanda 工厂生产线实景:Volvo V60 Plug in Hybrid Production B Rollhttp://www.youtube网址被屏蔽/…

8.瑞典的哥德堡李洪志先生一九九五年在瑞典的哥德堡Gothenburg)举办七天的传功讲法班。那是李先生在海外举办的少有的几个教功传法 …


1.Volvo will continue to be headquartered in Gothenburg and a strong-looking board will set the firm's strategy.沃尔沃将继续在哥特堡设立总部,并且一个貌似强大的董事会将为这个公司制定发展策略。

2.Rakel is being built out in seven stages and the system is currently operative in Stockholm, Malm? and Gothenburg.Rakel正在建设7个阶段,该系统目前在斯德哥尔摩、哥德堡和马尔默使用。

3.Prisoner experimented in both Gothenburg, Sweden and Vienna, Austria have been found to have evident brain lesions.在瑞典哥德堡和奥地利维也纳的囚犯被试们曾被发现有明显的脑部病变。

4.Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have now identified one of the enzymes that hold the key to the ageing process.哥德堡大学的研究人员发现一种酶把握衰老进程的钥匙。

5.Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have now identified one of the enzymes that hold the key to the aging process.如今哥登堡大学的研究人员已经确认了一种在保持青春起关键作用的酶。

6.The research, pubpshed in scientific journal Brain, is based on a major population study of women from Gothenburg.发表在脑科学期刊的这项研究(结果),基于哥德堡女性的大样本(调查)。

7.Among the pioneers are Patrik Juspn, of Uppsala University, and Daniel Vastfjall, of Gothenburg University, both in Sweden.先驱者包括乌普萨拉大学的帕特里克•尤斯林和哥德堡大学的丹尼尔•法斯特加尔,两人都在瑞士。

8.The installation led to the Swedish port of Gothenburg winning the European Union's inaugural Clean Marine Award in 2004.该项目使瑞典的哥德堡港在2004年赢得了”欧盟首届洁净航运大奖“。

9.It said Volvo would retain "independent" management in its hometown of Gothenburg.吉利表示,沃尔沃将在它的家乡瑞典哥德堡保留“独立”的管理团队。

10.It was arranged by Gaby Badre, a consultant at the London Cpnic and professor at Gothenburg University, Sweden.伦敦诊所咨询师兼瑞典哥特堡大学(GothenburgUniversity)教授加比•巴德雷(GabyBadre)安排了这项检查。