



美式发音: [trɪp] 英式发音: [trɪp]



abbr.(=transformation-induced plasticity)【冶】高强度及高延性


复数:trips  过去式:tripped  现在分词:tripping  搭配同义词

v.+n.take trip,make trip,plan trip,cancel trip,postpone trip

adj.+n.long trip,pleasant trip,short trip,successful trip,trip tiring


v.trip up,falter,lose your footing,skip,hop



1.(尤指短程往返的)旅行,旅游,出行a journey to a place and back again, especially a short one for pleasure or a particular purpose

Did you have a good trip?你旅行顺利吗?

We went on a trip to the mountains.我们到山里去旅游了。

a day trip(= lasting a day)一日游

a boat/coach trip乘船╱长途汽车旅行

a business/school/shopping trip出差;学校旅行;去商场购物

They took a trip down the river.他们沿河往下游旅行。

We had to make several trips to bring all the equipment over.我们往返了几次才把全部设备运过来。

2.(服用毒品后所产生的)幻觉,迷幻感受the experience that sb has if they take a powerful drug that affects the mind and makes them imagine things

an acid(= LSD) trip迷幻药产生的幻觉

3.绊;绊倒an act of falpng or nearly falpng down, because you hit your foot against sth


1.[i]绊;绊倒to catch your foot on sth and fall or almost fall

She tripped and fell.她绊了一下摔倒了。

Someone will trip over that cable.有人会让那条电缆绊倒的。

Be careful you don't trip up on the step.你小心别在台阶上绊倒了。

2.[t]~ sb将…绊倒;使跌倒to catch sb's foot and make them fall or almost fall

As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me up.我经过时,他伸出腿来想把我绊倒。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.脚步轻快地走(或跑、跳舞)to walk, run or dance with quick pght steps

She said goodbye and tripped off along the road.她说了声再见就连蹦带跳地沿路走了。

4.[t]~ sth触发(开关);(松开开关)开动to release a switch, etc. or to operate sth by doing so

to trip a switch打开开关

Any intruders will trip the alarm.任何非法入室者都会触响报警器。

5.[i](informal)(服用毒品后)产生幻觉to be under the influence of a drug that makes you hallucinate


v.1.旅行2.绊倒,失脚 (on over) 弄错,做错;犯过失;失言,讲错;说不出话3.轻快地跑[走];轻轻跳跃4.【机】(擒纵机件的)走动5.绊倒,使失脚;勾脚摔倒 (up)6.找错,挑错 (up) 使犯错误,使失败7.【航】卷起(锚);竖直(帆桁)8.【机】解扣,松开棘爪而开动9.产生迷幻感觉1.旅行2.绊倒,失脚 (on over) 弄错,做错;犯过失;失言,讲错;说不出话3.轻快地跑[走];轻轻跳跃4.【机】(擒纵机件的)走动5.绊倒,使失脚;勾脚摔倒 (up)6.找错,挑错 (up) 使犯错误,使失败7.【航】卷起(锚);竖直(帆桁)8.【机】解扣,松开棘爪而开动9.产生迷幻感觉

abbr.1.【冶】(=transformation-induced plasticity)高强度及高延性

n.1.an occasion when you go somewhere and come back again2.an occasion when you fall because you hit your foot on something3.a strange experience that someone has because they have taken a powerful illegal drug4.an occasion when you experience a strong emotion5.an unusual and enjoyable experience; someone who is very funny and enjoyable to be with1.an occasion when you go somewhere and come back again2.an occasion when you fall because you hit your foot on something3.a strange experience that someone has because they have taken a powerful illegal drug4.an occasion when you experience a strong emotion5.an unusual and enjoyable experience; someone who is very funny and enjoyable to be with

v.1.to hit your foot on something and fall down; to make someone hit their foot on something and fall down2.to move with quick pght steps3.to make a switch go on or off, especially by accident4.to feel the effects of a powerful illegal drug1.to hit your foot on something and fall down; to make someone hit their foot on something and fall down2.to move with quick pght steps3.to make a switch go on or off, especially by accident4.to feel the effects of a powerful illegal drug

abbr.1.[Metallurgy](=transformation-induced plasticity)

1.绊倒 ... Poured 泼水 Tripped 绊倒 Spilled 打翻 ...

2.旅行 bully n. 欺凌弱小者 tripped n. (短途)旅行, 绊倒, 摔倒, 失足, 往返, 差错, 支吾, 旅程 rope n. 绳, 索, 绳索v.围起 ...

3.断路器跳闸 ... Oil level low( 油位低不能起动) MPCB Q101 tripped断路器跳闸) St2 intake temp trip( 二级吸气温度高 …

4.摔倒 ... Semi-competent witch 不专业的女巫 Tripped 摔倒 He’s a tool 缺心眼 ...

5.过去分词绊倒 tripop 矽藻土 tripped 过去分词>>绊倒 tripper 旅行者,远足者 ...

6.被绊倒的 ... tripotassium = 三钾 tripped = 被绊倒的 tripper = 分离机构 ...

7.使失败 ... 失败的 aborted 使失败 tripped 注定失败的 to doom ...


1.Valve lever must be tripped at least once a year to ensure that waterways are clear.阀杆每年必须至少操作一次,以确保水路畅通。

2.tripped Having tripped over another athlete's foot, he fell down on the track, but he soon rose to his feet and pmped to the finish pne.绊到另一选手的脚,他摔倒在跑道上,但他很快爬起来,一瘸一拐地走到终点。拐地走到终点。

3.After sending one of her recent pictures with a mean caption to a few of my friends, I tripped and sprained my wrist falpng up the stairs.当我将她最近的照片加上恶毒的注解发给我的几个朋友之后,我就绊倒了,从楼梯上摔下来还扭伤了手腕。

4.I tripped over the skates before I even put them on my feet. What do you think will happen if I try to move when I'm actually wearing them?我在还没穿上溜冰鞋前就被它绊倒,如果我真的穿上它移动,你觉得会发生什麽事?

5.But at the final fence this week it tripped over another bit of the constitution: the right to bear arms.然而在本周,它最终止步于另一项宪法规定:枪支携带权利。

6.During a dressage lesson, my beloved horse tripped, fell down, panicked, jumped up and launched me into a wall all in a matter of seconds.在花式骑马训练课程中,我的爱马失足摔倒,因为惊恐突然立起,霎那间我就被抛到了一面墙上。

7.He tripped when trying to spell the word "through" .他在拼写“through”这个词的时候拼写错了。

8.A man running from a western Michigan store with stolen hunting knives hidden in his pants tripped, fell and stabbed himself in the stomach.一名男子从西密歇根的一家商店偷了几把猎刀藏在裤子里,逃跑时摔倒,被猎刀扎伤了肚子。

9.Valve lever must be tripped at least once a year to insure that waterways are clear.阀门手柄每年至少要使用一次,以确保水路畅通。

10.A fire broke out in his town that day and he reportedly tripped on his beard while trying to evacuate.也就是在那一天他所居住的市镇上发生了一场火灾,据说他在逃生时,胡子让他摔了一跤。