


英文单词:开放导音式(Open Guided Sound);单片玻璃触控;单片式触控面板(One Glass Solution)


1.开放导音式(Open Guided Sound)疑声中,TOPlay 团队秉持著永不放弃的信念,将OGS (Open Guided Sound) 开放导音式耳机专利由理论化为真实,开发出 …

2.单片玻璃触控单片玻璃触控(ogs)勃肯拖鞋 臭 勃肯鞋门市电话 勃肯厨师鞋价钱 去泰国必买 泰国必买的东西 泰国旅游必买 普吉岛必买 泰国必 …

3.单片式触控面板(One Glass Solution)新一代的单片式触控面板(OGS),就成为讲求轻薄的手持式装置,及NB业者首选的技术。评论| 电子数码数码达人小张 专业领 …

4.单片式玻璃单片式玻璃OGS)与面板内嵌式(InCell)触控方案价值链比较 单片式玻璃触控与面板内嵌式触控方案均可以减少贴合次数 …


1.It is the OGS DEMO Casino users sole responsibility to ensure that their membership identification and password are protected at all times.OGSDEMOCasino赌场用户必须肯定他们的成员身份证和密码在任何时候都是保密的。

2.OGS DEMO Casino has taken every precaution to ensure the security of your account.OGSDEMOCasino赌场实施了一切措施来确定你的户口安全。

3.Double-click the OGS DEMO Casino "Game" icon on your desktop to install the Casino.双击在OGSDEMOCasino“游戏”桌面的图标安装赌场。

4.OGS DEMO Casino undertakes to reply to a written complaint within 28 days of receiving any such complaint.OGSDEMOCasino赌场会在收到投诉的28天之内作回复。

5.ogs do not have problems expressing affection in public.狗狗在公共场合表达感情才不会觉得难为情呢!

6.ogs will forgive you for playing with other dogs.你跟别的狗狗玩,狗狗会原谅你。

7.ogs are easy to buy for.要买狗狗可容易了。

8.If you will be playing frequently and would like quick access to our games , a fully installable OGS DEMO Casino is available for download .如果你将会经常来访,想很快的能进入游戏,可安装的赌场。

9.ogs like it when you leave lots of things on the floor.狗狗喜欢你把很多东东乱七八糟地撒在地上。

10.ogs love it when your friends come over.狗狗喜欢你的朋友来串门。