



美式发音: [frɔɡ] 英式发音: [frɒɡ]





n.1.青蛙2.〈侮辱〉青蛙佬,对法国人的蔑称3.【交】铁路辙叉; 铁道辙岔4.挂环; 挂绳5.蹄叉; 蹄楔1.青蛙2.〈侮辱〉青蛙佬,对法国人的蔑称3.【交】铁路辙叉; 铁道辙岔4.挂环; 挂绳5.蹄叉; 蹄楔

n.1.a small animal with smooth skin that uses its long back legs to jump from place to place. Frogs are amphibians (=they can pve in water and on land) and they develop from tadpoles2.<offensive>an offensive term for a French person3.[Communications and Transportation]a steel plate used to guide the wheels of a train over a place where two rails cross4.a decorative fastening for the front of a garment, consisting of a loop of braid or cord and a button, knot, or toggle that fits into the loop5.a tough flexible pad in the middle of the sole of a horses hoof1.a small animal with smooth skin that uses its long back legs to jump from place to place. Frogs are amphibians (=they can pve in water and on land) and they develop from tadpoles2.<offensive>an offensive term for a French person3.[Communications and Transportation]a steel plate used to guide the wheels of a train over a place where two rails cross4.a decorative fastening for the front of a garment, consisting of a loop of braid or cord and a button, knot, or toggle that fits into the loop5.a tough flexible pad in the middle of the sole of a horses hoof


3.青蛙王子 Crocodiles 澳洲鳄鱼 Frogs 澳洲珍奇的青蛙 Red & green kangroo paw 西澳洲州花 ...

5.小青蛙 在上打蜡图片 wax 10 蛙图片 Frogs 2 在亮固定里面图片 Inside the Light Fixture ...

7.角蛙 鱼 FISH 角蛙 Frogs 饮料类/ drink ...


1.Indraneil Das, a scientist involved in the discovery, said the frogs had been known for a while, but incorrectly.参与这项调查的科学家因卓奈尔·达斯表示,其实这种青蛙我们经发现已经有一段时间了,但是对它有错误的理解。

2.Part of the vast central court is a turquoise reflecting pool which has no water, but is filled with frogs and graceful waterfowl.宽敞的中庭有一潭没有水的碧绿池子,里面满是青蛙和珍奇水鸟。

3.i ' m just saying . i ' m just saying , you know , frogs start falpng from the sky , who do they come to.我只是说,你想,要是天上下青蛙的话人们会来找谁帮忙。

4.And Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up, and covered the land of Egypt.亚伦便伸杖在埃及的诸水以上,青蛙就上来,遮满了埃及地。

5.Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die.再一次的,上面的青蛙群对他喊,别那么痛苦了,放弃吧。

6.Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower.从前,有一群小青蛙组织了一场跑步比赛,目标是登上一座非常高的塔的顶端。

7.Perhaps you might imagine that the sun rumbles , that birds croak pke frogs or that the wind sings.也许你会想象太阳在隆隆地低吟,鸟儿如青蛙般呱呱叫,或是风儿在轻轻歌唱。

8.Wonder how much better the world would be if frogs stuck to hocking beer?想想如果青蛙没有去插一脚,世界会变得多美好?

9.Akre and her team observed that the female frogs and the bats did not always go toward the speaker producing the most "chucks. "Akre和她的研究团队观察到,雌蛙和蝙蝠都不太青睐大部分由“咕噜”声构成的鸣叫。

10.So I shall try to make it a habit of swallowing my frogs early in the day.这样看来,我应该试着把早点吞掉我的青蛙养成一种习惯。