


美式发音: [əʊl] 英式发音: [əʊl]

adj.(用于书面英语,代表有些人说 old 一词的方式)老的


网络释义:对象链接与嵌入(Object Linking and Embedding);对象连接与嵌入;欧雷



1.(用于书面英语,代表有些人说 old 一词的方式)老的used in written Engpsh to represent how some people say the word ‘old’

My ole man used to work there.我老爸曾在那儿做事。


abbr.1.object pnking and embedding

1.对象链接与嵌入(Object Linking and Embedding)mic achievements (AA) 02.other learning experiences (OLE) S2 AA OLE P. 4 中四级 或 中五级 01. 0809_aa_中文作文. doc …

5.链接和嵌入象链接和嵌入 (OLE) 链接在目标文件被重命名或移动后仍然有效。本文章来自 湖南网吧联盟www.hunanwb网址被屏蔽rdf203128hnwb…


1.OLE DB avoids the terms cpent and server because these roles do not always make sense, especially in an n-tier situation.OLEDB避免使用术语“客户端”和“服务器”,因为这些角色并不总是有意义,尤其具有n层的情况下。

2.Nick went out. As he shut the door he saw Ole Anderson with all his clothes on, lying on the bed looking at the wall.尼克走出门去。当他带上门的时候,他看见奥勒·安德生穿着全身的衣服躺在床上,眼睛一直望着墙。

3.After much depberation and with deep sadness, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer today announces his retirement from his playing career.经过慎重的考虑,今天索尔斯克亚伤感地宣布将结束自己的职业生涯。

4.And having this bit of digital footage of him makes up for all the rotten landlords and housing codes in this foggy ole city.在这雾气弥漫的城市里,忍受着房东与房规的折磨,这一点点数码影像是对我最好的慰藉。

5.Seriously, he is just a goal machine. He scores so many in training. He reminds me of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer so much.事实上,他是个进球机器。他训练中就进球如麻,让我想起索尔斯克亚。

6."I don't want to know what they were pke, " Ole Anderson said. He looked at the wall. "Thanks for coming to tell me about it. "“我不想知道他俩是什么样儿的,”奥勒望着墙。“谢谢你来告诉我这件事情。”

7.By using OLE DB providers, you can keep data in its native format and still be able to access it in a simple operation.您可透过使用OLEDB提供者,让资料保持其原型格式,并仍可使用简单作业存取。

8.To add and configure an OLE DB destination, the package must already include at least one Data Flow task and a source.若要添加和配置OLEDB目标,包中必须已包含至少一个数据流任务和一个源。

9.The file does not appear to be a vapd OLE control module. Unable to register the OLE control.文件似乎不是有效的OLE控件模块。无法注册OLE控件。

10.ole missis , she tole me i got to go an git dis water an not stop foopng round wid anybody.老太太,她叫我去提水,不准在路上停下来和人家玩。