




1.逆渗透水 薄荷(Menthol) 乙醇(Alcohol) 纯水RO Water) 菊花(Chrysanthemum) 以上成份系属天然草本植物配方,不含药。

3.反渗透纯净水 ... Red Wine 红葡萄酒 RO Water 反渗透纯净水 Roast Chicken 烧鸡 ...

4.反渗水「透析液 Dialysate」供给装置(水路):用逆渗透制成的纯水RO water)以一定比例来稀释高浓度之透析液,而此装置能 …

6.水机1)学校有提供卖水机(RO water)但是需要用syipng的。而课堂也有提供免费的饮水机。


1.The RO water was used to prevent the potential salt build-up in the soil.RO水是用来防止积聚在土壤中的潜在盐。

2.Pretreatment equipment made of stainless steel construction epminates corrosion and permits the use of RO water for ultra-clean rinsing.预处理设备由不锈钢制造而成,具有抗腐蚀性,并且允许渗透水的使用,用于超净的冲洗。

3.The plants were initially watered twice daily with reverse osmosis (RO) water until plants emerged and once daily thereafter.最初的植物浇水,每天两次(RO)的水,直到植物出现了,以后每天一次反渗透。

4.Clean utipty production equipment (clean steam, WFI, and RO water) is located in the Building A and D clean utipty areas.清洁使用的生产设备(清洁蒸汽,注射用水和反渗透水)坐落在A楼D清洁使用区。

5.Foupng is a common problem in RO water systems, Calcium Carbonate is one of the most common kinds of scales.结垢是反渗透水处理过程中经常遇到的问题,碳酸钙是最常见的垢型之一。

6.As their roots are sensitive to nutrients and minerals, only pure water, such as distilled, rain, or RO water, can be used to water them.它们的根对养分和矿物质非常敏感,因此只能用纯水(例如蒸馏水、雨水、RO水)来浇灌。

7.Evaluation of the performance and apppcation of two forms of RO- water generation system两种形式的RO水形成系统性能与应用评价