


英文单词:粉领族(Office Lady);序列表;办公室女郎


1.粉领族(Office Lady) job 工作 OL 白领 he often comes here 他经常来这 ...

5.醇 oic 酸的 - ol - ortho- 邻,正,原 - ...

6.有序号的列表 </MENU> 条列文字卷标 </OL> 有序号的列表 </PERSON> 显示人名 ...


1.I certainly didn't think little ol' me who gets on a plane maybe once a year would be able to rack up enough miles to matter.我当然不认为自己可以攒到足够的里程换返还金了,因为我可能一年才坐上一次飞机。

2.As the OL in one, I am deeply impressed by a woman sitting in the office is very easy to fat.身为OL中的一员,我深切感受到坐在办公室里的女人是非常容易胖的。

3.His book is a brilliant account of what happened and full of villains, heroes, fools and plenty of good ol' fashioned greed.此书生动地记述了所发生的一切,其中不乏险恶之徒,英雄,笨蛋以及对于人类贪婪的详细描述。

4.Bill looked over the counter disapprovingly. "Gonna have to pull the ol' mop out tonight, I guess, " he said.比尔看着柜台露出不悦的神色,他说:“我想今晚要把那个旧拖把拖出去。”

5.OL exclusive: you travel with a South Korean cosmetics Myeong-dong Street, to see what interesting things there right.OL独家:带你游韩国明洞化妆品一条街,看看那里有哪些有趣的东西吧。

6.Facial recognition software may be nothing new but did you know you can use your regular ol' webcam to log in to your Ubuntu desktop?部识别软件可能不是什么新东西,但你知不知道可以用普通摄像头登录到你的Ubuntu桌面呢?

7.A little skinny . . . for my taste, but like my ol' dady used to say; the closer the bone, the sweeter the meat.就我的眼光来看……瘦了点,不过我老爹常说:愈不长肉愈俊俏。

8.You're bound to have worked up an appetite by now. Where would you go if you had a hankering for some good ol' Texas barbecue?你的饮食也是受到限制的。如果你非常渴望一些不错的德州烧烤时,你会去哪?

9.Even after more than a decade of writing about spreadsheets, we continue to see stunning new uses for the ol'grid.即使是在开始编写电子表格的十多年后的今天,我们仍可以看到ol网格的绝妙新用途。

10.Cyclopenta(cyclohexane)pyridin-ol was an important chiral intermediate and widely used in organic synthesis.环戊(己)烯并吡啶醇是一种重要的手性中间体,其应用前景广阔。