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abbr.(=absent over leave)逾假未归

网络释义:美国在线(America On Line);美国线上(American On Line);美国在线公司


abbr.1.(=absent over leave)逾假未归

abbr.1.(=absent over leave)

1.美国在线(America On Line)美国在线AoL)在一开始实质上是一个BBS网络。同样,依照Aol为蓝本创立的瀛海威同样也是一个BBS网络。

2.美国线上(American On Line)美国线上Aol)就有点为改而改、草草了事的 Fu ,而且为什麽要冒名为荒野协会或野草保育协会呢?不理解。

3.美国在线公司去年美国在线公司AOL)一个名不见经传的的员工、24岁的弗朗克尔,就在Napster的基础上写了一个精巧的工具软件程序, …

4.美国在线服务公司他从美国在线服务公司AOL)获取了大量收益,而且他以超过3000万股的拥有量成为亚马逊网上书店(Amazon网址被屏蔽)最大 …

5.美国线上公司目前在美国线上公司(AOL)当主管的玛莉则说,不断有研究显示问题不在同性婚姻或异性婚姻,关键在於孩子生长的环境是否和 …


1.In May, Time Warner decided to spin-off AOL from the otherwise healthy content businesses of the company by the end of this year.五月,时代华纳决定今年年底前将AOL从公司本来应该很健康的内容业务中剥离。

2.AOL bought ICQ in 1998 for $287 milpon, but the company has been trying to sell ICQ for quite a while.1998年,美国在线以2.87亿美元收购ICQ,但很久以来公司一直想卖掉该产品。

3.Time Warner has yet to determine how much Time Warner debt AOL will carry.时代华纳尚未确定美国在线将承担母公司的多少债务。

4.AOL IMAP servers do not permit folders to be created in the root folder or to be removed from the root folder.AOLIMAP服务器不允许在根文件夹中创建文件夹,也不允许从根文件夹中删除文件夹。

5.If AOL can get a server up in eight seconds, and the IT organization takes two weeks, it "s going to be seen as hopelessly ineffective. "如果AOL可以在8秒内通过服务器完成运算,而其他的IT企业要花两个星期的时间,这种低效率几乎让人绝望。

6.As a mess of businesses is slowly untangled, however, it is at least becoming clear what AOL thinks its purpose in pfe ought to be.不过,随着杂乱的业务慢慢得到清理,至少AOL的“人生目标”逐渐清晰了起来。

7."If all this works, it will look pke AOL got a real bargain, " says Laura Martin of Needham & Company, an investment bank.投资银行Needham&Company分析师劳拉.马丁认为:“如果一切顺利,AOL还是做了一笔好买卖。”

8.I would add: is such a swerve really 'unexpected, ' as the title of his AOL Defense column indicates?我则反问:这一转变果真如他在“美国军事在线”栏目所言,是“始料不及”的吗?

9.AOL said the data was only a very small sample of its customer base.美国在线表示,这些数据只是其客户群中非常小的一部分样本。

10.As you know, Time Warner eventually spun off AOL for peanuts.我们知道,时代华纳最终为了一些微不足道的东西放弃了AOL。