




1.唯有时光 Conquest Of Paradise 征服天堂 1、only time 唯有时光 2、the mass 弥撒曲 ...

2.只有时间 11.ONLY IF.../ 仅仅因为… 12.ONLY TIME只有时间 13.WILD C…

3.恩雅 凯莉·斯威 - We Are One 恩雅- Only Time 西尼德·奥康娜 - a perfect india…

4.只是时间 ... - We need time,only time- 我们需要时间,只是时间 -Let me show you the way- 让我显示您方式 ...

5.惟有时光 5.Africus: 西南暴风雨风之神。 Only Time( 惟有时光) Caribbean Blue( 加勒比海蓝) ...

6.只有时光 wild child 野孩子 only time 只有时光 may it be 等等。 ...

7.唯一 2 Wild child 野孩子 3 Only time 唯一 4 Tempus vernum 光阴似箭 ...

8.唯一时间 ... 07 在晴天出发 phi tabidachi 09 唯一时间 Only time 10 自由 Freedom ...


1.One of the shots of her boyfriend, baseball player Joe DiMaggio is the only time the pair posed for a formal portrait.梦露唯一的正式双人合照是和她的棒球手男朋友乔·迪马奥一起拍的。

2.The only time he seemed apve at all was with a long extension cord plugged into the wall.只有长长的延长线插在墙上时他是活的。

3.Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself.女人会抱怨经前期综合症,但是我认为这是一个月中我唯一可以做回我自己的日子。

4.So the only time I decided to be Canadian instead of American my talkative husband foiled my plans.那是我唯一的一次决定成为加拿大人而不是美国人,但我健话的丈夫阻扰了这个计划。

5.I guess I'm just a happy kind of guy. I don't see any point in being miserable. Probably the only time you'll see me low is when I'm sick.我想我是乐天派。我不看那些悲伤的事,也许当我生病的时候你会看见我情绪低。

6.For me, that was the only time I could play with such a wonderful rare robot, " he says. "对我来说,那是我唯一一次能玩那么稀有的玩具。

7.Easter Monday was the only time we were interested in watching the news. We couldn't wait to see if we were on TV.复活节周一是我们一年到头唯一对新闻感兴趣的时间,我们等不及要看自己有没有上电视。

8."The only time he got out of the hotel room was maybe to go have dinner. "他每天都呆在旅馆房间里,”Fischer说,“可能只有在吃饭的时候,他才会出去一下。

9.For many Americans, Thanksgiving is the only time when all members of a family gather. The hopday is a time of family reunion.对许多美国人来说,感恩节这一天是所有家庭成员欢聚一堂的难得时光。这个节日是家人团聚的时刻。

10.She is usually a very quiet person. The only time I've seen her show her horns was when somebody criticized her husband.她通常都是非常文静,我只见过她一次大发脾气,就是那次有人批评她她丈夫的时候。