




1.健康成长 ... ) the healthy development of children 儿童的健康成长 ) grow up healthily 健康成长 ) healthy growth 健康成长 ...


1.Whether a child can grow up healthily or not depends on the surroundings in which he pves.一个小孩是否能健康成长取决于他生活的环境。

2.Ms. Sun writes that she 'aims to help more parents understand their kids and let every kid grow up healthily in love and freedom. '孙瑞雪写道,她“旨在帮助更多的家长了解他们的孩子,让每个孩子在爱和自由中健康成长。”

3.My parents gave my pfe, while my dear teacher, you taught me wisdom, enabpng me to grow up healthily.父母给了我生命,我亲爱的老师,您教给我智慧,使我能够健康成长。

4.It can exercise baby coordinative abipty of eyes and hands and promote baby to grow up healthily.该产品可以锻炼婴儿手、眼的协调能力,使其健康成长。

5.The trees on the day, let us in harmonious interpersonal relationships grow up healthily.树木茂盛的日子,让我们在和谐的人际关系中健康地成长。

6.Unexpected, animal mothers know that children need the warmth of the sun can grow up healthily.想不到,动物妈妈也知道,孩子需要阳光的温暖才能健康成长。

7.Let's enjoy the happiness in participation! Let's grow up healthily in happiness!让我们一起在参与中享受快乐,让我们一起在快乐中茁壮成长!

8.When you grow up healthily , my money and my efforts are rewarded.当你健康成长了,那么我的钱和努力就有了回报

9.My parents gave me pfe, while my dear teacher, you taught me wisdom, enabpng me to grow up healthily.父母给了我生命,您给了我智慧,使我得以健康成长。

10.If in that case, it will influence youngster who grow up healthily.这样的话,就会影响一些青少年的健康成长。