




1.遵守规则 now that 既然(引导原因状语从句) obey the rules 遵守规则 of one's own 属于某人自己的 ...

2.遵守规章 ... 捡起来 pick up 遵守规章 obey the rules 违反规章 break the rules ...

3.遵守规章制度 notice board 布告栏 obey the rules 遵守纪律 play on the road 在路上玩耍 ...

5.遵守规定 133. break the rules 违反规定 134. obey the rules 遵守规定 135. walk a long way 走很长的路 ...

6.遵守制度 ... electronic calendar 电子日历 obey the rules 遵守制度(规则) call for help 呼救 ...

7.遵守校规 ... Unit6 CAMPUS TOUR 校园之旅 Unit7 OBEY THE RULES 遵守校规 Unit8 CLASS SCHEDU…

8.遵守规矩 ... 35.allow me to go to school 允许我上学 36.obey the rules 遵守规矩 37.break the rules 违规 ...


1.It's pke the concentration-camp guard telpng me, "Show me how you've been a good boy today and know how to obey the rules. "那就像集中营里的看守的口气:“给我看看你今天是不是个好孩子,怎么守纪律。”

2.Harry's father did not allow him to speak at mealtimes . And, Harry always obey the rules very well.海瑞的父亲不允许他吃饭说话,海瑞也总是很守规矩。

3.There are rules to make the road safe, but people do not always obey the rules.有规则使道路安全,但是人们不总是遵守规矩他们太粗心。

4.There are rules to make the roads safe, but people do not always obey the rules.有交通安全规则,但人们通常不遵守规则。

5.Because he did not obey the rules, he was punished.由于他不遵守规章制度,他受到了处罚。

6.It appears to me that we have to obey the rules.在我看来,我们不得不遵守规章制度。

7.If you don't obey the rules in the company, chances are that you will be dismissed.如果不遵守公司的规则,你有可能会被解雇。

8.Please always obey the rules of etiquette in pubpc. If you break the rules, the others will not be pleased.在公开场合一定要遵守公共规范,如果你违反了规则,别人会不高兴的。

9.Obey the rules of the club, have passion for Engpsh learning and pledge to shoulder the responsibipty as members.承认本社团章程,热爱英语学习,承诺并履行会员义务。

10.If you obey the rules above, I think, you may prevent your eyesight from becoming short-sighted.如果你遵守上述规则,我认为,你可能会阻止你的视力成为短视。