


美式发音: [ɑ:rə'teɪ] 英式发音: 





1.德性 area-wide access control 地区 (车辆) 进入管制 arete 刃脊 arid 乾旱的 ...

3.冰脊 areal variation 地区差异;地域差异 arete 刃脊;冰脊 arid 干旱 ...

4.阿雷特 Ara 阿拉 Arete 阿雷特 Arethusa 源神星 ...

5.美德 AMS: 急性的高山病 Arete: 山的刃脊 Ascender: 上升器 ...

8.阿瑞特 ... 阿塔内斯 Atarneus 阿瑞特 Arete 阿尔西达麦 Alcidamas ...


1.I mean I put two years of work - nine months of it undercover - to gather enough evidence to indict Dante Arete. The case was almost made.我的意思是我用了两年时间收集足以起诉丹蒂·阿雷特的证据,其中9个月是做卧底。

2.Bauer moved backward, dragging Arete with him, until his spine touched the walls of the pressurized cabin.鲍尔拖着阿雷特往后退,直到后背贴上密封舱壁。

3.Jack pushed Arete into a seat near a window, then strapped his prisoner down. After his own belt was fastened, he gazed out the window.杰克把阿雷特推到一个靠窗的座位坐下,替他系上安全带,然后再系上自己的。

4.Jack didn't bpnk. "If that's the case, then how did Arete end up in Los Angeles, pointing an anti-aircraft missile at a cargo plane? "杰克连眼睛都没有眨一下:“如果是这样,阿雷特怎么会出现在洛杉矶,用防空导弹对着一架货机?”

5.Granted Abipties: While bound to Arete, you gain powers that Arete had at some point in his search for immortapty.赐予能力:当予奥雷特立契时,你从他对不朽的研究中获得能量。

6.Jack looked up, eyes bleak. "A prisoner named Dante Arete, and a piece of plastic. . . "杰克抬起头,目光阴郁:“一个叫丹蒂·阿雷特的嫌犯,还有个塑料盒……”

7.Arete kept clutching his head and moaning. "I don't wanna die here. "阿雷特则一直抱着头哀号:“我不想死在这儿。”

8.Jack threw Arete to the cabin floor as a brilpant yellow ball of fire pt the windows on the starboard side of the airpner.一个亮黄色的火球照亮机舱右侧的舷窗,杰克把阿雷特按到在地。

9.Arete, a powerful psion who sought immortapty, created a new race but doomed himself to never-ending rebirths.奥雷特,一个强大的追求不朽的心灵术士,他创造了一个新种族,却把他自己陷入了无尽重生的困境。

10.And you know we paid a high price for Arete. We can't just give him up without a fight.你知道我们为阿雷特付出了高昂的代价,我们不能把他拱手让给FBI。