




1.哦你 ... to carry on. 去继续 oh You, 哦你 You pght up my pfe 你照亮了我的生命 ...

2.你喔 ... 22.Sing with me 陪我歌唱 Oh you( 你喔) Nikko Pearl frenzy of regret( 日光狂热遗珠之憾) ...

3.就是你 ... My dear 亲爱的 Oh you 就是你 You're vain,your games,you're insecure 你的自大,你不正经,你超没安全感 ...

4.完美个风格我绝对的爱死 ... 我为她所做的改变 每一点都是心甘情愿 oh you 要追她不能用钻石 完美个风格我绝对的爱死 oh yo

5.乌油 ... 我为她所做的改变 每一点都是心甘情愿 oh you 要追她不能用钻石 完美个风格我绝对的爱死 oh yo…


1.Oh, you know, because every time I talk to a beautiful woman, my wife will appear out of nowhere!喔,因为每次我和美女讲话时,我太太就会出其不意冒出来!

2.What? I'm selfish? Oh, you know I'm anything but that to you.什么?我自私?噢,你知道我对你可从来不自私。

3.Oh, you know he is just saying that, he'll be in here in ten minutes to ask you to play.噢,你知道的,他只是说说而已,十分钟内他会在这里,叫你去玩。

4.When this was put to producer Heyman, he said: "Oh, you could smell it. "这句话传到制片人希曼那里,他说:“哦,你甚至可以闻到它”。

5.Oh you don't know how bad I wish i could be with you right now! Im not even kidding! I miss you so much!噢你简直不知道我多希望我现在就可以出现在你面前!我没有在说笑!我很想你!

6.This is the year of the empty hand. Oh, you hold on to what you can. And charity is a coat you wear twice a year.这是一无所有者的年代。你坚持着你所能坚持的。而慈善就像你一年只穿两次的外套。

7.What's the matter with you? --I've got a headache. --Oh, you'd better see a doctor at once.你怎麽了?--我头疼。--噢,你最好马上去看医生。

8.Oh, you're a great help! Your optimismis beginning to get on my nerves. I'm beat. Maybe we should just call it a day.唉,你帮倒忙了!你的乐观开始让我神经紧张心烦意乱。我觉得非常地疲惫!也许我们今天该到此为止了。

9.On the ladies game : harsh training school instructors scoring very strict Oh, you could find a bit of herself?游戏介绍:苛刻的淑女训练学校,导师打分很严格的哦,看你的装扮能得几分?

10."Oh you know, I'm so old, you're a young girl in my eyes, " she said to a female contestant who worried about being older than her date.“你知道,我年纪这么大,你们在我眼中都是年轻女孩,”她对一个担心自己比约会对象年纪大的女生说。