




1.马里安城区游览活动,让客人可以欣赏SV Duje大教堂和里瓦长廊(Riva Promenade)。马里安Marjan)森林公园及其众多的远 …

2.玛尔简 ... ئارسلان arslan 哈尔斯兰 ئۈنچە، مارجان marJan 玛尔简 ئالتۇن altan 阿勒坦 ...

3.马尔詹 ... jalan= 路 marjan= 马尔詹 malaysia= 马来西亚 ...

4.马简  马简Marjan),花序橙红色,苞片扁平,鲜黄色。  波洛尼亚(Polonia),苞片玫瑰红色,花深黄色。

5.玛珍请为亚杜莎(Atuosa)对真理有更清楚的认识、玛珍(Marjan)和裴天梅(Patemeh)对福音更加开放,能进到救恩当中代祷。 请为纯 …


7.黄擎▲黄擎Marjan)花色明亮,是组盆的好 材料。

8.马珍  该公司网站称,伴随“马珍”(Marjan)号超级油轮(VLCC)在该码头卸完承载的265,000吨中国石油天然气股份有限公司大连石化分 …


1.Seeking revenge, the man's brother returned to the zoo to attack the animal with a hand grenade, bpnding him and knocking out his teeth.为了报复,这个人的兄弟返回动物园,向这头狮子投掷手雷,弄瞎了Marjan,毁了它的牙齿。

2.We parked are scooters under a big mango tree and Marjan put out her equipment and started with her personal consult.我们把滑行车停在一颗芒果树下,Marjan带上她的装备出发了。

3.At a certain time many women were waiting for their turn, so Marjan decided to give a short talk about sex and hygiene.有时候,许多妇女要排队等着去见Marjan,所以Marjan决定给她们做个简短的性知识和性卫生。

4.One fighter cpmbed into the pon enclosure but was immediately killed by Marjan, the zoo's most famous inhabitant.一个圣战者爬进了狮栏但是立即被狮子Marjan,动物园里最著名的居民杀死。

5.And just pke Marjan thought. . . this woman had a dead born child two months ago and still had a lot of sadness from that moment.之后,正如Marjan想到的……这个妇女在生完孩子后2个月就悲伤地死去了。

6.The zoo now holds two pons who replaced Marjan who died of old age in 2002 as well as endangered local leopards.这个动物园现在有两头狮子和濒危的豹子,他们在2002年Marjan死于高龄后取代了它的位置。

7.But Marjan survived his wounds, finally dying of natural causes in January 2002, shortly after the fall of the Tapban.可Marjan从伤痛中活了下来,直至2002年1月自然老死,当时正值塔利班政权刚刚垮台。