




1.俄亥俄河源 美国桥梁管理的发展源於1967 年,当时因横跨俄亥俄州河Ohio River) 的银桥(Silver Bridge)断裂并夺取46 人生命后…

4.俄亥俄州南部以俄亥俄河伊利湖(Lake Erie)沿岸一线划出了俄亥俄州北部边界,使“七叶树州”拥有近500公里的水岸线。俄亥俄州南部以俄亥俄河Ohi

5.俄亥俄河畔  坐落在俄亥俄河畔(Ohio River)、路易斯维尔以西100英里的Owensboro也加快了发展脚步。一个斥资4000万美元、兼备码头和 …

6.胡河莫娜艺彼拉及亚里艺尼(Allegheny)汇合成乌海胡河(Ohio River),汇合的所在形成一个三角洲。美国开国总统华盛顿来过这三条 …


1.Barge freight prices have soared on the Ohio River, one of the few waterways in the region on which grain is still being shipped.作为该地区少数几条仍能运输谷物的水道之一,俄亥俄河的驳船运输价格已大幅飙升。

2.Clay threw his Olympic gold medal into the Ohio River in disgust. This was the start of his long stand against racism in America.Clay气愤之余,把自己的奥运金牌直接扔进了奔流的俄亥俄河,并从此走上了反对种族歧视的斗争之路。

3.a city in southwestern Pennsylvania at the beginning of the Ohio river; site of Carnegie-Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.美国宾夕法尼亚州西南部的城市,位于俄亥俄河的源头;匹兹堡大学和卡内基梅隆大学所在地。

4.TWO new coal-fired power plants will soon appear on the banks of the Ohio River if American Electric Power (AEP), a utipty, gets its way.如果美国电力公司(AEP)——一家公共事业公司——的计划如愿以偿,那么两座燃煤发电站不日将登陆俄亥俄河畔。

5.A city of northern Kentucky on the Ohio River opposite Cincinnati, Ohio. Laid out in 1791, it is an industrial center. Population, 18, 871.美国肯塔基州南部城市,隔俄亥俄河与辛辛那提相对。1791年被发现,为工业中心。人口18,871。

6.The book's opening image is also its defining metaphor: On a spring afternoon in 1806, a two-hulled canoe drifts down the Ohio River.这本书开篇的描述象征了本书的主题:在1806年春天的一个下午,一艘双体小船在俄亥俄河上顺流漂下。

7.Water flowing from the Ohio river is filtered through the riverbank and gathered in various collector wells.俄亥俄河上的水在岸边被过滤,然后汇聚在多口集水井中。

8.the largest city in Kentucky; located in north central Kentucky on the Ohio river; site of the Kentucky Derby.肯塔基州的最大城市;位于肯塔基州的中北部俄亥俄河的河岸上;肯塔基赛马场所在地。

9.To the north, the Ohio River was substantially more swollen in early May than it was in April.在其北部的俄亥俄河5月初也是河水大涨,水量远超4月。

10.Engineers are blowing up that levee in order to let water from the Ohio River flow into the Mississippi.工程兵部队炸毁堤坝是为了让俄亥俄河中的水流入密西西比河。