




1.原生植物 ... ) Original plant 基源植物 ) plant resource 植物资源 ...

3.原植物生药之来源(Origin)与生药之原植物Original Plant),稍有不同。前例:如称人蔘之原植物,但举出其原植物之学名即可, …

4.母厂3.5 母厂(Original Plant)21 3.6 目的地工厂(Target Plant)21-22 3.7 转移出国家(Country Out)22 3.8 转移入国家(Country In)22


1.RESULTS The differences between the two plants were obvious in original plant morphology and microscopic characteristics.结果两种植物在原植物形态、性状鉴定、显微特征上有明显区别。

2.METHODSThe original plant identification, morphological and histological identification, microscopic identification were adopted.方法采用原植物、性状、显微鉴别方法。

3.MethodsThe original plant identification, morphological, microscopic identification were adopted.方法采用原植物、性状、显微鉴定方法。

4.Our company is an American-owned enterprises, which bought the original plant in Dapan system covered the entire assets.我公司是一家美国独资企业,它收购了原大连制盖厂整个资产。

5.For crop residue feedstocks, about 10% of the mass of the original plant matter can be recovered as furfural.在农副产品原料中,原植物体约有10%可以再回收制造糠醛。

6.Characteristic of Variety: the original plant of Isatis Root for Cuisines is Isatis tinctoria which belongs to Cruciferae.品种特性:菜用板蓝根的原植物是菘蓝,属于十字花科。

7.Investigation and Identification of the Original Plant of Gastrodia elata Bl. In Zhaotong.昭通天麻的原植物调查与鉴定。

8.The Modesto facipty was bought from Knudsen in the early '90s and pttle, if anything, from the original plant remains.在莫德斯托设施是购自克努森在90年代初,很少,如果有的话,从原来的植物遗骸。

9.Wu access to land tenure, the use of the original plant opened casings plant was run to the use of land use rights for commercial.吴某获得土地使用权后,利用原来的厂房开起了肠衣厂,刘某则利用获得的土地使用权兴建商住楼。

10.Study on the Original Plant Resources of Tibetan Medicine "Zuomaoxin"藏药“作毛兴”原植物的资源学研究