




1.且让我们从老妖婆统基希纳(Cristina Kirchner)是「老巫婆」(old hag),没想到穆希卡的麦克风没有关,整段话被在场媒体曝光,阿根廷政 …

3.老女巫slut)、“图书烈欲”(Book lust)、“老女巫”(Old Hag)、“图书侏儒”(Book dwarf),“金箴琼斯”(Golden Rule Jones)、“ …

4.爱尔兰民谣 ... 猫叫声 / The Cats Meow 爱尔兰民谣 / Old Hag 移民者 / The Immigrant ...

5.老虔婆」( skanky)、「娼妇」( whore)、「老虔婆」( old hag),她透过官司成功逼 Google揭露博客身份,该名博客炮轰 Go…


1.For an old hag with children to feed asking for compensation is fair and just, that is what meant by the word apmony.糟糠下塘,领着一群儿女,要多少钱是应该的,可以的,这才叫赡养费。

2."What do you mean, old hag? " said Edmund with disdain. "What could you know of princely affairs? "“丑老太婆,你说什么呢?”埃德蒙不屑地说,“王子的事情,你都知道什么呀?”

3.When her pfe came to an end, she was a twisted and bitter old hag.当她的生命走到尽头,她已经成为一个扭曲而充满仇恨的老鬼婆。

4."Go to the devil, you old hag, " he half muttered as he stared round upon the scattered company.“见你的鬼去吧,你这个老母夜叉,”他盯着四周分散的人群,低声咕哝着。

5.She gradually turns into an old hag.她逐渐变成一个丑老太婆。

6.I kept thinking of this mean old hag.我一直在考虑这个卑鄙的老巫婆。

7.and i don ' t care how much the old hag is giving you我也不再关心老巫婆会给你多少钱

8.It is room 56, and between 56 and 57 is the toilet where the old hag is emptying her slops.这是五十六号房间,五十六与五十七之间是卫生间,老妖婆到那几倒脏水去了。

9.to the fiend whom, if men say true, this yellow- starched and velveted old hag has chosen for her prince and master! "牧师思忖着,“如果人们所说属实,这个浆着黄领、穿着绒袍的老妖婆,早就选了那恶魔作她的王子和主人啦!”