





3.莫非特社会行为在生命进程中具有相对的稳定性。正如卡斯皮和莫非特(Moffitt)(1992)总结的,反社会行为所具有的强劲的连贯性已 …


1.Moffitt explained that self-control problems were widely observed, and weren't just a feature of a small group of misbehaving kids.莫菲特解释说自控问题已引起广泛关注,并且不能仅仅将其视为一小群行为不端的孩子的特征。

2.But Moffitt said many of these so-called egg hunters are usually not SART-certified.不过Moffitt说这些所谓的卵子猎人通常都不符合SART认证。

3.DEAR J. MOFFITT: Unfortunately, this dress code is happening in many schools.亲爱的简·莫菲特:确实很头疼啊,许多学校都有这个着装规章。

4.DEAR J. MOFFITT: Food, clothing, heat and shelter are basic needs and essentials.亲爱的简.莫非特:食物,衣服,热和房屋是基本的需要和必需品。

5.After administering the sacrament, Amy Moffitt says that rightwing poptics turned many people here off to mega churches.艾米·摩菲特说,右翼政治驱使这里的很多人脱离了超大型教会。

6.But Moffitt says there is evidence that self-control can be learned.但莫菲特说,有证据表明,自我控制可以习得。

7.I'm looking for designer to make brochure for construction company making, selpng and instalpng Moffitt Ventilation products in China.我正在找设计师为建筑公司生产,销售和安装在中国莫菲特通风产品的小册子。

8.Moffitt joined the Army in February of 2009 and arrived at Fort Campbell four months ago.莫菲特2009年2月加入陆军,四个月钱进入坎贝尔堡基地。

9.Dr Caspi and Dr Moffitt, however, were not so sure.然而,卡斯普博士与莫菲特博士都不是非常确定。

10.Hi, we are Brent and Carolyn Moffitt, owners of your local 1-800-DryClean.干洗店加盟您好,我们是北海布伦特和卡罗林moffitt,业主您当地的1-800-dryclean。