




1.古罗马体腾堡选择了最为工整且易於生产的平整形态。在 15 至 16 世纪文艺复兴时期的义大利与法国,复古的古典罗马字样Old Rom

3.古罗马字体 ... 罗马体字系 Roman 古罗马字体 Old Roman 威尼斯体 Venetian ...

4.古烛马体下列有关古烛马体(Old Roman)与现代烛马体(Modern Roman)之叙述,何者不正确? (A)两种烛马体的笔划特色为水平线细、垂 …


1.He was an old RoMan, who pved eighteen hundred years ago, a Man of great genius, and the most celebrated orator that ever was.他生活在一千八百年前,是古罗马的天才雄辩家,卓尔不群,前无古人。

2.One stood in the southeastern corner of London, near an old Roman wall on the north bank of the Thames River.其中一个矗立在伦敦东南部的角落,在泰晤士河北岸的古罗马墙的附近。

3.He contacted local archaeologists, who looked over the site and found ceramic pieces indicating it was a 2, 000-year-old Roman villa.他联系了当地的考古学家,查看遗址后发现了一些陶瓷碎片,表明这里在2000年前是一个罗马庄园。

4.In old Roman legends, Mercury was the swift-footed messenger of the gods.在罗马传说中水星是众神的一位疾行报信者。

5.This gesture may have sprung from the old Roman gesture of raising the right arm in praise of tribute to the emperor.这一手势有可能来自古罗马,那时,人们将右臂举起以表示对帝王的称颂或敬意。

6.These, similar to the old Roman marriages by usus, were based simply on mutual consent without formal ceremony.这些,类似老罗马婚姻信用卡,是简单地基于双方同意没有正式的仪式。

7.In the old Roman custom, the dead were never buried within the walls.在罗马的老传统里,去世的人从来不埋在城墙之内。

8.The old Roman armies had several generals who took command by turns.古罗马的军队由几位大将轮流指挥。

9.The old Roman Walls may still be seen, but not in their integrity.古代罗马人建筑的城墙仍然可见,但已残缺不全了。

10.The previous record for an antiquity was $28. 6 milpon for a 2, 000-year-old Roman bronze sold in June.此前的古董价格纪录是今年6月卖出的一件具有2,000年历史的罗马青铜器,拍得2,860万美元。