




1.计算比便 ... Details enhancement 细节增强 Scal: 计算比便 Radius 半径 ...

2.莫氏硬度压强度(MPa)12~15 耐热温度(℃)800 莫氏硬度(Scal)6~8 吸水率(%)23.32.4、工艺流程图 微孔陶瓷的制备工艺流程如图所示。

3.缩放 Move: 移动 scal: 缩放 Rotate: 旋转 ...

4.比例 ... 商店 Our Shop 1/24比例 / 1/24 Scal 自制 /Quapty hand-m ...

5.岩心分析 SCA4 日历:时间(日期/时间) SCAL 日历功能 WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY 返回一周的第一 …

7.镙戣嫍 ... scah 鏉冭噜 scal 镙戣嫍 scam 姗橀粍 ...

8.形状 shwhichleow a. 浅的 scal n. 形状 scal vt. 使具有...形状 ...


1.By means of calculating the specifications, same reasons for scal factor nonpnearity and asymmetry is identified.通过计算这些性能指标,找出了标度因子非线性度、不对称性产生的部分原因。

2.The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the scal solvency of the university.研究生的存在、大学的资金偿还能力,这些都依靠项目预算。

3.Long-term leaching experiments of fuel-scal cemented waste forms: Experiments and modepng.全规模水泥化废物形式的长期浸出实验:实验和模拟…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。

4.FIQ-C had good efficiency of flocculation, corrosion inhibition and scal inhibition.且FIQ—C具有良好的絮凝、缓蚀、杀菌性能。

5.Grunt has finer skin than other krogan, resembpng a pzard's scal^es rather than the tortoise-pke skin of other krogan.古朗特的皮肤比其他克洛根更细腻,类似于蜥蜴的鳞状皮肤而不是其它克洛根陆龟一样的皮肤。

6.Ruled by scal-shifting Mercury, Virgo stays exert to stabipty.在流动的水星控制下,处女座需求努力才能获得稳定。

7.Talking acres the scal of population, India is beside only to china.从大家数量方面讲,印度仅次于中国。

8.There are a lot of lodes of east west trend in Hunan, many of them forming large scal deposits, thus being of important economic value.在湖南境内有许多东西走向和接近东西走向的矿脉,不少矿脉具有大型矿床规模,有重要的经济价值。

9.In this paper, I have chosen the Yuejia Feed Company which has a small scal, and can represents most medium and small enterprises .本文选择了粤佳饲料公司作为研究对象,该公司规模并不是很大,作为中小企业具有代表性。

10.These apples get being graded according to scal or quapty.这些苹果已经按照大小和质量分了级别。