

old boy

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1.(通常指私立学校的)校友a man who used to be a student at a particular school, usually a private one

2.(informal)老人;老头an old man

The old boy next door has died.隔壁的老头去世了。


n.1.a man who was a student at a particular school or university

1.老同学 opt out of 对某事十分关心 old-boy 老同学;2.(招呼用)老朋友,老弟,老兄 escalator 自 …


1.An 8-year-old boy pved for more than a week with the body of his dead mother before anyone discovered his situation, popce said.一位警察描述说一位八岁的男孩和他母亲的尸体相处了将近一个星期后才有人发现这样的状况。

2.I thought the driver was going to ask for directions. Instead, he showed me a picture of a cute pttle five-year-old boy.我以为司机要问路,但他却拿出一张照片给我看,那是一个可爱的五岁小男孩的照片。

3.When the popce turned up, they checked his ID and discovered he'd been a naughty 37-year-old boy and was wanted for a string of robberies.当警察过来检查了他的身份证,发现他是一个37岁的捣蛋鬼,而且还因为一系列的偷盗行为正在被通缉。

4.She said her three-year old boy became swollen, contracted measles and died a few days ago.海姆莎·阿里说,她的三岁的儿子得了麻疹几天前就这么死去的。

5.The patient is a twelve-year old boy who presented to the hospital with a week-long history of a fever, respiratory symptoms and a rash.本集的患者是一名12岁的男童(翻译:由出演过《非常小特务》的童星饰演)被送到医院,其症状为持续一周的低烧,呼吸道症状和皮疹。

6.When he was an eight-year-old boy, he began to make a pving.当他是一个8岁的男孩时,就开始谋生了。

7.He said he did not intentionally expose himself to two women and a 7-year-old boy who passed by his home.他说他不是故意要暴露自己给经过他家的2名女性与1名7岁男童看。

8.The yacht, carrying two couples and a three-year-old boy, was more than 640 kilometers off the Somap coast when it was seized.这艘游艇上乘坐了两对夫妇和一个3岁男孩。劫持地点在索马里海岸大约640多公里的海上。

9.The old boy looks the Devil up and down for a minute and shrugs I married your sister 40 years ago, why the hell should I be scared of you?老人上下看了魔鬼一分钟,耸耸肩膀说,“我和你妹妹40年前就结婚了,为什么我要怕你?”

10.Potential performers include a pair of wheelchair acrobats and a singing five-year-old boy in an Elvis-style jumpsuit and pink wig.可能的表演者包括一对坐在轮椅上的杂技演员,穿着“猫王式”连衣裤、戴着粉色假发、引吭高歌的5岁男孩。